RE: Dinner time!! -Pikachu digital fanart-
Oj móg Bóg, Oj móg Bóg, Oj móg Bóg, Oj móg Bóg!!!!~ They both are so peckin' cute and staring over strawberries! <<<<3333
Anyways, to get on the painting/drawing in specific: firstly, the two variations of pikachus are just outright best depicted here and done with a care I like to see more off on this community. Secondly, nice colouring and facial work to make differentiable between the two variants. Thirdly, the love and consumption of strawberries are just: ahhhhhh! <<<<3333 - Fourthly, nice detail work with the patches of grass, shade-light work, strawberries in general and the two pikachus' stances. Lastly, just the compliments and playoffs of each element helps to unite while creating a sense of moreness that I just love.
(To say I can find this scene replicated elsewhere in the World if given similar enough conditions. Regardless, I do wonder if yah will update this to include some green-scaping / nature with a sky included. But I guess the sensuality of this scene does take preference and lends creedence that we, as viewers, ought to be glaring over this and thinking it possible elsewhere in the World.)
If there's one thing I wanna say before I sign off, yah know there exists a "print-screen" button or a "print-screen" button-combo. Righto? I mean, I could not for this slight inconvenience of a "perfect" viewing; just I wanted to remind yah of this clique on the Internet that loves seeing everything without hindrance. Regardless, it probably easier to print-screen than yank out a fone (phone), snap a picture, export and import fotos (photos) and then configure them into a Steemit post. Just saying!~ :p