The Current Financial Asset Landscape Is About To Be Turned Upside Down

in #assets4 years ago

We are entering a time when everything we think is valuable, may soon not be, and many things we think of as trivial, may become more valuable than gold (is today).

So, in this time, where do you put your assets?
How do you get your wealth from this side of the "new normal" to the other side of the new, new, new normal?

Currently, the things being invested in are

  • Rental property
  • Stocks / Bonds / 401ks
  • Derivatives
  • Commodities
  • Gold
  • Cash

This entire list is about to go poof.
Their destruction is eminent. To much evil has been wrought, and we have entered a time of cleaning up that evil.

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How things are likely to come down:

Rental Property

The cycle has gone on too long, where someone finances a property, then fixes it up, raises the rent (repeat) while wages have almost stayed stagnant. So, each year that has gone by, the percentage of people's income for just having a place to sleep has increased.

What is going to happen is multi-fold. Land in cities are going to become the sole custody of the banks, as more people are squeezed out of the industry by bad economy and not being able to evict unpaying tenants. Then the govern-cement, communist style, will start delegating living arrangements. In essence, all that urban and suburban property is going to become worthless as people, can't and won't be able to pay, while many places continue to burn down. And then there is the problem of the coming ice age making poorly insulated buildings unliveable.

Stocks / Bonds

The stock market is not going to crash.... every.
It is going to cease to exist.

How long would you go to a store, where they only sell rain-checks? Soon, it will become apparent that the stock market is trading more stock than exists. AND this is on top of ALL of the stock being found to be fully owned. So, you are playing musical chairs with zero chairs. This will become apparent.

Bonds will be shown to be even more worthless, as they are based on cash price and ability to pay, which will both be nothing.


Even worse than bonds. One could even make a factual case that they don't even exist.


Yes, the price of commodities will go up. Way up.
But that is stuff in hand, being delivered now.

The commodities market will be shown to be an empty, vacuous place.
This will hurt all those who had money in this market.
It will hurt those who were relying on the grains to make bread, even more.


This substance is just about worthless. And those who remember it as a store of value are all dying off.
Further, Rots-children will start paying their private army in gold. And the people, who feel the boots of these thugs will just stop accepting gold.
So, gold is going to go way up in price... and then... nothing as...


All the fiat currencies are about to achieve their final value of nothing. All together; very soon.
That is not to say that green paper will become worthless, in fact, the green paper may be used for quite some time in small pockets. However, there will come a day when your bank money disappears. And the new promised bank money doesn't buy anything.

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The only thing for sure to survive this paradigm shift is commodities on hand, and land that actually creates a living for you.
Everything else, even bitcoin, will be in flux as people decide what the new paradigm will be.

What will we use for money?
What kind of houses will we live in?
What will we trade for food, if anything? (my guess is you will trade food for food, maybe in a giant ring of barter on the blockchain)
What will it mean to make a living?
What will we do when we see corruption?

These are all about to be answered.
And the answers are quite painful to the current paradigm and asset structure.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


@offgridlife came up with a great idea of buying land around the great lakes. I think it is a really good idea. I also feel like the panhandle of Florida is a good spot as well for farm land.

That is if things turn into a Los Angeles style Tweaker encampment in all the major cities.

Florida will soon be completely under water.
And the great lakes will be a great iceberg.
So, i do not believe either of those are good from a climate point of view.

But getting out anywhere from the cities is better.

Look into aquaponics- not to be confused with hydroponics-

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