Presentation / Presentación

in #asshole5 years ago (edited)

This blog will be about modern society or, rather, the social behavior of the modern human being. And for this I will analyze the reactions of people to different events that have been recorded, either by cameras or by verifiable testimonies.

Este blog tratará de la sociedad moderna o, más bien, del comportamiento social del ser humano moderno. Y para ello se analizarán las reacciones de las personas ante diferentes sucesos que hayan quedado registrados, sea por cámaras o por testimonios verificables.


Sorry, this is not an Original and Self-produced Content


I don't like that and there's a downvote for that.

El texto era propio y la imagen la acompañé de la respectiva fuente, con lo cual no merecía ese downvote. La publicación era humorística, tenía cierta sutileza irónica. Lamento no lo haya sabido apreciar.
Igualmente ahora lo he modificado para que guarde relación con la temática que tendrá este espacio.

The text was my own and the image was accompanied by the respective source, so it did not deserve that downvote. The publication was humorous, had a certain ironic subtlety. I'm sorry you didn't appreciate it.
Now I have also modified it so that it is related to the theme that this space will have.