Happy new year 2019 Steemit and the world ! ASTRO
Happy new year 2019 !
Be on your toes the whole year .
I wish you all a safe year as Chiron will enter Aries in February , shaking the energies in and out .
Mars will enter Aries , Mercury will retrograde first in January
and 5 eclipses this year ! the most important one is lunar eclipse on 1st degree LEO on January 21st !!!
as you all know the world is about to Radically change in ALL aspects .
when Uranus will reenter Taurus in May , big earthquakes and tsunamis also volcanoes will go MUCH wilder .
prepare yourself for many events ...Economical changes and the way we connect to money .. Cryptos are ON !
The President Trump might have heart issues ( health issues )
a black out of few days might occurs in USA resulting in many losses and much damages .
the first 6 weeks of January will be stressful with much fiery energies , you should keep your cool and remember that the changes about to happen are not to take lightly , stay focus and prepare yourself and family .
2019 might go also into the third world war and over all events will crash humanity into a brand new beginning and rebirth after a short and precised death .
MANY MANY MANY MANY events will occur this year to kill the old and make room to the new .
first 6 months if you have your facts straight , you will be honored with strong energies pushing you forward if you are
ARIES / SAGITTARIUS OR LEO ( or any planets aspects and house there ).
we have been talking about these events and this year forever , now it is too late but you might still have time .
May you all be safe .
any questions on astro , let me know .