Ethereum ETH Vedic Astrology Cryptocurrency Price Prediction

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

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Welcome All to Shining Bull. Via this Steemit article, I am addressing You regarding a lengthy analysis that I carried out upon the vedic astrological chart of Vitalik Buterin, creator and certainly most well-known proponent of Ethereum. After doing so, I see that I need to communicate my confidence in Ethereum, in the currency ETH and in Vitalik Buterin as a special soul doing an important dharma upon this plane of existence or loka.

Firstly, we know from online that Vitalik’s place of birth was Kolomna, Russia, and that his date of birth was January 31, 1994. I, Maya, was able to recognize his time of birth. The time of birth that I arrived at was 2:53:33PM. My rectification puts his Moon in the Aries pada of Hasta Nakshatra (a Nakshatra is an asterism recognizable to the sages, it is a smaller configuration that makes up part of the greater zodiac sign that we see as those huge drawings in the night sky.) And it puts his Lagna or Ascendant in the Mercury-ruled pada or section of Punarvasu Nakshatra. It puts his Aruda Lagna in Libra.

In his chart I can see that it is Vitalik’s dharma to create and propagate Ethereum. Additionally, he will be successful at carrying out his dharma! When we look at his 1st, 5th and 9th Houses (his dharmic Houses,) and we see the degree point within each of these Houses that is the same as his Ascendant degree point (the degree point that was rising on the Eastern Horizon when Vitalik was born,) then we see that the Nakshatras which fall at said degree point in each of these dharmic Houses is ruled by Jupiter. This means that on the cuspal level, Jupiter rules Vitalik’s dharma.

Next, looking at the Moon at his time of birth, we see the sequence of dashas or planetary cycles that will have the most influence over Vitalik’s life at each moment. I can therefore tell you that Vitalik is currently running his Rahu Mahadasha, ruled by the shadow planet that in India we know as Rahu. Within this Rahu Mahadasha there are various sub-dashas, ruled by different planets at different times.

Please now note that Vitalik published Ethereum’s first whitepaper (an authoritative initial report released by new blockchain initiatives to inform everyone regarding the workings of their technology,) in November of 2013. In November of 2013, he was running Rahu Mahadasha, the subperiods being: Jupiter Antardasha and Jupiter Pratyantardasha. Knowing that Jupiter rules Vitalik’s dharma at the cuspal level. Concerning Rahu, Rahu is located in an artha or work-related House — the 6th House — in the Nakshatra where Rahu called Anuradha and is ruled by Saturn. In the chart, Saturn is in a very close conjunction with the planet Mercury. Applying again the Ascendant degree point to the artha Houses 2, 6 and 10, we see that Mercury rules Vitalik’s artha or work at the cuspal level. So hopefully you can now see a connection of the themes dharma and artha that were playing out when he wrote the whitepaper. In the natal chart itself, Vitalik’s dharma and artha are intertwined, as Jupiter is in a Rahu-ruled Nakshatra called Swati. From this we can conclude that his purpose on the planet is to do his work and his work is Ethereum. He will be successful at it, because Jupiter is in a dharmic House, the 5th House in his natal chart!

When Vitalik Buterin speaks in public, you may notice that he conveys a certain detachment over those who most would term enemies, and a certain detached non-possessiveness over his own creation, Ethereum. For many, this will not seem normal, because most do not have the ability to remain detached from such aspects of life. However, this is a positive attribute. In his chart, I can see very clearly that in his past lives he has done work to get to this level of detachment. This is a positive attribute related to moksha.

The themes of moksha and friendship are in fact playing a key role in Vitalik’s chart and generating positive results for Ethereum. Rahu has been his Mahadasha Lord since the beginning of Ethereum. And, Rahu is the most important planet in general throughout his life, because Rahu is the Atmakaraka planet. In the natal chart, Rahu in the 6th House besides being in a work-related House, is also in the House of enemies. This House in his chart falls in the sign Vrischik and this sign is ruled by Mars. When you look at the moksha Houses, you see that at the cuspal level, Mars rules Vitalik’s moksha. This is why he is able to remain at peace in this crypto environment amongst initiatives that others would term enemies. Rahu’s Nakshatra, Anuradha is ruled by a deity named Mitra. Mitra is the divine friend. So what is happening here is that when Vitalik is faced with an “enemy” his instinct is to create a friendship with that “enemy.” Rahu as the Atmakaraka planet acting like that is automatically in Vitalik’s best interest.

As an investor, you may not feel comfortable with such an instinct, but I tell you here and now that You can relax! Why? Because Vitalik Buterin has three different Vipreet Raj Yogas operating in his chart, creating a situation in which he will have enemies and will subsequently defeat his enemies, gain from his enemies and lastly, the enemy will disappear. The gain will be a positive gain, often monetary. This means he actually gains from having enemies. There is no stopping this, this will always happen because of these yogas or configurations in his chart. They consist in his 6th House Lord of enemies Mars being in his 8th House of unexpected gains, conjunct his 12th House Lord of losses, Venus.

One situation that perfectly illustrates the workings of the Vipreet Raj Yogas in Vitalik Buterin’s vedic chart is the DAO Hack of June 17, 2018. On this day, 3.6Million ETH was hacked from a venture capital firm called the DAO. On this day, Vitalik was in the following dasha sequence: Rahu Mahadasha, Saturn Antardasha, Rahu Pratyantardasha, Ketu Sukshumadasha.

I have already provided the “low-down” regarding Rahu and Vitalik. Now, Saturn and Mercury conjunct are in fact also in the Mars-ruled pada of the Mars-ruled Nakshatra, Dhanishta. On that day, transiting Saturn was moving through Vitalik’s 7th House of partnerships, and Jupiter, the Lord of the sign where Vitalik’s 7th House falls, Sagittarius, was retrograding through Libra, the sign of Saturn’s exaltation. Saturn, additionally, is the Lord of Vitalik’s 8th House where the Vipreet Raj Yoga is located. The last factor in this dasha sequence, Ketu, is in Vitalik’s natal 12th House, Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. Venus along with Mars is one of the Vipreet Raj Yoga instigators, as explained above.

Too, on that day, the Moon was traveling into the gandantha, an intense border zone, between his 2nd House of money, Cancer, into his 3rd House of courage, Leo, ruled by the Sun, who had just entered his Ascendant House, Gemini. So you can, I trust, see that that was the day if any for Vitalik to face such a situation.

And what was his response? He issued a communication (communication also being ruled by the 3rd House!) which basically reversed the hack with a fork and solved the crisis.

Recently, Vitalik mentioned in an interview the DAO Hack having been a constructive experience. Ethereum is growing, and the DAO has virtually disappeared. This is all a consequence of the Vipreet Raj Yoga being set off, a battle being declared and then being won, leading to the disappearance of the enemy and a positive gain for Vitalik and Ethereum.

Vitalik is no longer in his Saturn sub-period or Antardasha — he is now in his Mercury Antardasha of the Rahu Mahadasha. I feel that this period, lasting until the end part of July of 2021. I feel this will be a time of slow, steady growth for Ethereum, ETH and for Vitalik himself, based on the consistent work that Vitalik will be doing. Mercury as you already knows rules his work, and also, Rahu and Mercury are friendly to each other. Furthermore, transiting Rahu is currently in Mercury’s sign in transit, Gemini, which is also Vitalik’s vedic Ascendant. When Rahu was in the previous sign, Cancer (Rahu travels backward,) looking at the ETH price chart, you see the huge price spikes, which you likely even experienced as a trader or investor.

This period of spikes was due to Rahu being in the Moon’s sign at the time. The Moon is tidal in nature. But when you look at the date March 24, 2019, when Rahu moved into Mercury’s Gemini, then you see the beginning of a slow, steady climb in ETH price. This is how I feel this whole Antardasha will go, because Mercury is not tidal; Mercury’s growth is like how plants grow. Mercury, also, is strong in Vitalik’s chart, in a close conjunction with Saturn, who rules the sign in which they are both located, Aquarius. Aquarius is actually Saturn’s base sign, its mooltrikon sign.

When Rahu moved into Gemini, Vitalik was in the dasha period Rahu, Saturn, Moon, Mercury. Moon in his chart is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury. Mercury also looks out for Vitalik as his Ascendant Lord. At the beginning of the Mercury Antardasha, Mercury was in Vitalik’s 7th House of partnerships. So Mercury will give slow, steady positive growth and work regarding fruitful partnerships.

With all of this said, on September 20, 2020, when transiting Rahu leaves Gemini and enters Venus-ruled Taurus, at this moment it’s likely that a period of gain will be initiated for ETH. I personally will be watching closely to see what happens around this date.

From end of July of 2021 until mid-August of 2023, Vitalik enters his Ketu Antardasha of the Rahu Mahadasha. During this period, it will look to everyone other than Vitalik like a loss is being incurred. There will be a situation in which he needs to make an important choice regarding Ethereum due to an opportunity that comes to him. This choice will be challenging. However, this challenge will set off the Vipreet Raj Yoga because the Lord of the House where Ketu is, the 12th House of Taurus, is ruled by Venus, one of the generators of the Vipreet Raj Yogas. So Vitalik and Ethereum will emerge from this challenging period as winners, and if we all realize this then we will be winners, too.

Additionally, after that, the next sub-period is of Venus will be the most fortuitous and constructive of all for Vitalik and Ethereum.

My last message regarding Vitalik Buterin is that the story of his Atmakaraka Rahu’s natal Nakshatra, Anuradha is that Mitra the divine friend and his friend Varuna were in love with the same celestial being, Uruvashi. Each of their semen fell into a pot. From one pot grew Sage Agastya and from the other, Sage Vashishta. These two sages are often referred to as “Mitra-Varuna.” Please keep this in mind if you feel skepticism about such news as regarding partnerships that Ethereum makes, such as the recent news suggesting using the BCH network. This type of solution based on friendship, partnership and co-creation is a direct expression of Vitalik’s soul, and this soul is a special one who is here to do something very important. So I recommend supporting this type of tendency in Ethereum’s creator, Vitalik Buterin. Best wishes to All!

I offer vedic astrological consultation in English or Spanish payable in ETH, DAI, BTC and LTC. You are welcome to visit me in English at and in Spanish at


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