Is There an Alien in the Universe?

in #astronomy7 years ago


Alien is still a mystery. The reason, although believed by some to exist, but this extraterrestrial creature has never really found. However, how did the man who ever wentinto space believe in the existence of aliens?

Hoffman himself has done more than five missions in space and spend 1.211 hours of his lifein space. "I believe there is life elsewhere in the universe," Hoffman said quoted from Mashable, Saturday (24/03/2018). As we know, only 600 people out of about 108 billion inhabitants of the earth have been exploring outer space. Some of the astronauts then sattogether at a conference in Los Angeles with filmmaker Darren Aronofsky.

They gather together to make a video titled One Strange Rock that aired on National Geographic on Monday (26/03/2018). In the conference, they discussed the miraculous life on earth. Just imagine, the creatures on earth have their own uniqueness.

For example, single-celled organisms emerging from inorganic materials, which evolved because they are protected by the earth's magnetic field and ozone and oxygen and water support. "You see all these systems ... and this is amazing, all things must unite to realize this great reality," said Aronofsky.

Even so, the question of whether aliens really exist is very difficult to answer. Moreover, theuniverse is so large that to find aliens may be difficult. "We have basically proved that everystar has a planet," says Chris Hadfield, an astronaut from Canada. "Then you start to calculatethe estimate," added the man who has spent 4,000 hours in space. Unfortunately, thecalculation is also difficult. Again the problem is the extent of the universe. So, the calculations were adjusted to the size of the universe.

According to astronaut David Korneich, within the observable limits of the universe, there may be star septilations. If every star has at least one planet, then it seems inconceivable that there is no life elsewhere. "(But still) we have to think about things to find evidence," said Mae Jamison, an African-American woman astronaut in space. Despite believing there is another life beyond the earth, Hoffman also continues to look for evidence. "As a scientist, Iam looking for evidence," says the aeronautics and astronautics professor at MIT.

Until now, we know that world scientists are constantly finding evidence that life can exist inan impossible place. One of them is in Ethiopia. In the country, researchers found bacteriathat live in acid lakes. These bacteria even depend on heavy metals and do not requireoxygen. This became one of the suppositions that it could be somewhere far from the earth, there is life present. There may be something living under the moon ice of Jupiter. Source.
Thanks @ismuel