What is an Aspie?

in #autism9 years ago

Let's start you off on a short quiz. Is an Aspie: A fan of the Monty Asp Flying Circus tv series? A jovial asparagus? A person owning 76 metric tonnes of books, 144 science laboratories and a social life that (to them) feels like a cross between Johnny Test and Dexter's Labratory - only weirder?

If you answered DeeDee, then you're secretly Mandark.

Seriously, Asperger's is part of the Autism Spectrum. It is a condition where there are many symptoms that probably don't relate. Indeed, it's almost certainly a set of unrelated conditions where the overlap is apparent to psychiatrists and neurotypicals but not necessarily to anyone else.

The onset of the condition may be in the first few hours (if you lean a baby forward, their reaction apparently tells you if they're autistic) through to about the age of ten or eleven. What is absolutely certain is that the experts you aren't talking to are wrong, according to the experts you are talking to.


The RDOS Aspie quiz is the best DIY test out there, but it does require honesty. I recommend a cup of tea or coffee as well. Unless you're a Peruvian bear, in that case marmalade sandwiches will do nicely.

Some of you may be wondering about this post being scatterbrained. That's ok, it's perfectly normal to wonder that - until you've read the reasoning behind the changes to DSM V, the latest reports from the genetic studies and the posts on Quora insisting it's all because of vaccines. After half an hour of sobbing uncontrollably into your tea/coffee, you will realize that this post is only half-mad, the height of sanity on the subject.

And then it finally clicks! Autistic brains are simply too powerful! Everything makes sense! Wibble!