21 ATEC points lower in 4 months treatment, aged 16!

If you ever worried that it's impossible to recover from autism above the age of 6 or 7, then I'm here to settle that question for you.
Nathaniel is a 16yo patient of mine diagnosed with high functioning autism. He's another child who's mom reports problems developed after vaccinations. After MMR he regressed, not instantly, but gradually. He stopped talking, stopped eye contact and started screaming to communicate. Prior to this he'd had no signs of autism.
He's come a long way with previous homeopathic and biomedical treatment, including recovering from Hashimoto's hypothyroidism [an autoimmune condition].
His mom has brought him to me due to my experience with conducting specific homeopathic detoxes.
No Longer 'Autistic'
At the start of our treatment, Nathaniel scored 29 on the ATEC scale. When retested after his 4 months of homeopathic detox he'd had dropped 21 ATEC points leaving his score within neuro-typical range. The changes have been profound.
His Treatment Plan
Nathaniel's treatment consisted of steroid detox followed by glyphosate detox and vaccine detoxes over the 4 month period. Meanwhile, he continued with the constitutional remedy he'd been having from his other homeopath for the past year or so.
His Struggles
Literal thinker with poor ability to interpret.
Emotional over-reaction [meltdowns] after gluten/dairy/sugar with strong sugar cravings. He's a big lad and these can get difficult. Used to be more rigid and loses his flexibility after eating these foods. Can get strongly into "My life sucks", "poor me" victim mentality, with high levels of anxiety. Wishes to be 'less weird so people will like him better'.
Prescription Notes
Nathaniel's response to gluten/dairy/sugar alerts me to a potential glyphosate sensitivity, so we decided to detox glyphosate as well as steroids and vaccines. Grains and sugar cane are crops where 'chemical ripening' is practiced. Spraying with glyphosate just before harvest means that the grain and sugar cane will be processed into the food chain before glyphosate degrades. Dairy products are produced by cows fed grain diets and frequently grazed on sprayed pastures.
Glyphosate detox has resolved many issues in children and adults I've worked with, including some autistic symptoms, high oxalate levels and fibromyalgia.
Gains He's Seen
- After glyphosate detox mom reports: "Seen good improvements with glyph. calmer. more consistently aware of others. his responses to frustration are more normal. Can stop and apologise. Mom is amazed". "He ate a few things that were off plan. He ate two dozen cookies. Usually he'd melt down later. He felt crappy, tired, etc. but didn't melt down. He also had stuff like this at youth groups and felt very tired, sore stomach but didn't flip out. He almost acted like he was drunk the next day. Different kind of reaction to eating that kind of food. Lethargic, quiet. Not quite all there. A little irritable. No melt downs though. Mom asked him to take 2 epsom's baths. He chose to stay home next day and was much better next evening." [His overall glyphosate levels are lower and he copes better with glyph heavy foods].
- "He's more patient and adaptable. Coped well with the holidays. Once or twice there was fighting. He has a much harder time during holidays due to less structure. But this time he could cope. Better able to handle things, like chores. He is usually overwhelmed with a list of things. He coped with the series and did them all. He still often forgets a few of the steps. Some might be laziness. Some might be executive functioning. However, he's not overwhelmed by being told multiple things. Before, he'd become agitated."
- "He can get into "My life sucks", "poor me" victim mentality. but not as deep now. More able to see this and say "i don't need to be like that' a little faster."
- ATEC retesting after vaccines detox showed a drop of 21 ATEC points.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://sallylloydhomeopathy.com/21-atec-points-lower-in-4-months-treatment-aged-16/