REMARKABLE improvement in autistic boy's school work. Pictures below! Tuberculinum & VAX detox.

6 year old Benji has a starting ATEC score of 72.
6 year old Benji has an Autism diagnosis and began to regress around his second birthday, having been an engaged and sociable baby. His mum came to me in July 2019 when he had an ATEC test score of 72 points. (
Mum reported:
Main challenge is communication. Started speaking 4.5y. Needs based language only. 4-7 word sentences. No expressive language. Nothing about feelings. Answers basic questions recently. Can answer functional questions with closed ended answers.
Mum of Benji, age 6.
Social connection poor as can’t talk well.
Hand flapping.
Some major gut issues.
Gut issues seen:
OATS test:
Low vit C. Some neurotransmitter imbalances. High glutathione.
Major abdominal bloating.
GIT test
▫ Non-physiological E. coli 10E4
▫ Yeast spores Present
▫ Candida glabrata 10E4
Escherichia fergusonii 10E3
Starting Treatment
As B's family had to ship in the specific vaccine detox remedies from the USA, he didn't start his remedies until a month later in August 2019.
His first prescription was as follows: Tuberculinum, vaccine detox.
1st follow-up: Sept 2019 ATEC 45 [27 point drop in severity]
"Engagement & Connection":
School say every day that he's doing better. He's now sitting, paying attention, directing his attention, doing his school work. He sits down at the table without reinforcement.
"Language & Expression":
He's actually hearing them talking now, at home and at school. He's tuned in and repeating what they say. echolalia [new].
He is describing pictures.
He is asking "What is this?" [new, and catch up with the developmental stages he missed when younger. I often see this when language comes].
He has a big jungle gym outside and he began having a conversation across the fence, chatting full on with the Au'paire next door. He was getting involved with the lesson she was giving. [1/2 an hour long]. This was conversational stuff for the first time. He was totally engaged. She would say to the child she was teaching 'spell whale' and B would say:
"Whale swimming'. Baluga whales are kissing with the mouth"
[this is something happening in his own reading book.]
Before he could answer 'what shape is it?" He not only improved with this but is now able to answer an open ended complex question like 'what's in this picture' and infer from partial objects what's happening [from handlebars he inferred that the woman in the picture was riding a bike].
Understanding Time & Deferring Gratification:
Understanding has improved when trying to talk through something that's out of control. He newly has a concept of time and wants to talk about it. He'll ask "Nursery on?" He's starting to understand about 'later', 'now', 'a different day'. He wakes Saturday morning and says "No Lizzy." as she doesn't come on Saturday mornings.
He's more satisfied because he knows something is going to happen later rather than not at all and his ability to express himself has improved during melt downs.
Executive Thinking:
Instruction follow has improved as his comprehension and attention have improved. Great improvement in executive functioning :-)
The Really Remarkable Results Come Next: October-November 2019. [2-3 months in].
We are due to follow up again soon, but Benji's mum just sent me his reports [shared with permission] ... just going to let school reports speak volumes now and will add new developments and his new ATEC score when we follow up later in November. :-)
Starting Point: [baseline since May 2019]

Teacher's Report, October 18th 2019.
Since May 2019 Benji's check list has looked almost exactly like this. His improvements are not quite showing up in his check list yet. Explosion is about to happen.
Explosion begins:

25th October 2019,
Remarkable changes are beginning to show at school.
There is more to come!

November 1st 2019
Benji's teacher report clearly shows expressive language and marked improvement in independence across the board.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress :