Perlan-II Stratospheric Glider: Aerotow to 10000 ft with AI Aircraft (video by @schamangerbert)

in #aviation7 years ago

New programmed AI Cassna 177 aerotows the Glider to 10.000 ft



I have now rebuilt an AI aircraft (artificial intelligence) so that it can drag my Perlan II to 10,000 feet. 60 waypoints with altitude and speed were chosen so that a realistic towing can be flown. In the original, this procedure takes 35 minutes, in my video I set the wind to 3 kt (original it is 35 kt on the ground) so that the dragging takes only 29 minutes.


Have fun watching the Video 36 minutes

Ich habe nun ein AI Flugzeug (künstliche Inteligenz) so umgebaut, daß es meinen Perlan-II auf 10.000 Fuß Höhe schleppen kann. Dazu wurden 60 Wegpunkte mit Höhe und Geschwindigkeit ausgewählt, so daß ein realistischer Schlepp nachgeflogen werden kann. Im Original dauert diese Prozedur 35 Minuten, in meinemVideo habe ich den Wind auf 3 kt gestellt (im Original ist von 35 kt am Boden auszugehen), so daß der Schlepp nur 29 Minuten dauert.


Viel Spaß beim Anschauen des Videos (36 Minuten)

Posts on my FlightGear development for Perlan 2 so far:

Wave-Lift Logic Model, Cockpit and Windows updates Video
Cockpit, 3D- model and FDM updates Video
Some improvements in the 3D-model Video
Stratospheric Glider Perlan 2 Project update
First Presentation of the original 3D-model
Perlan 2 First Test Flight in Patagonia on the Wave-Lift
Perlan 2 Projekt Übersicht (Deutsch-German)
Perlan 2 Project overview (English)

You may download all models for free from my github
The simulator is also free for win, mac and linux:

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


All about flying is interesting for me... Your article and video too.
(I apologize for my own post ad.)

Thanks! As your link is related it is very welcome!

Nice upgrade buddy! Hopefully I can join in your next flight! Yahoo!

Then get your warm clothes ready :)

Wow it's great! The wings of the aircraft is pretty long nah! Thanks for sharing such wonderful video & experience with us!


25,5 m to be exact :) That is quite a bit.

it was awesome once again to fly :D

amigo #resteemia at your service

you brought it to 10,000 ft. that's fantastic. impressive work @schamangerbert

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

@schamangerbert - Oh my goodness, it's a wonderful video Sir. Love you shared it Sir <3 :*

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Well as the first time

Have a save fly! :)

very nice video

Nice to see air craft pictures.

Upvoted & ReSteemed