
To create a false flag attack, but this time, it would be false flag alien-attack, Just imagine if they use that holographic technology to create that ~ then what will happen around the world. New World Order, will be established. You can also imagine it with fasle holographic Godly image projecting in sky, telling people of their second coming and commanding everyone what to do! Majority of the Religious People would blindly bow down and believe it as real and would think not for a second to kill another on the command of their holographic Godly figure.

Anyways, have you read our another post about "Morgellons"?

Right, but if they have real aliens and real alien technology that would seem far better than holographic aliens. I'll check out that post, thanks. It certainly is a pretty common movie cliché to have giant alien ships appear above world capitals. Independence Day, Arrival, the series (and the remake) of V and others I am sure.

Yep, they have real aliens working with them but that doesn't mean they would do as THEY say, each of them working for their own agenda, few want to take control but few others just want to do their own genetic experiments to create hybrid race which they already did, but they still want to achieve more perfection to create more superior race, while other Et forces just trying to push their control agenda. Now you must understand that there are not just few groups, but many, each possess different agendas, and make use of their own methods, techniques and technologies.

That's true that they have technologies that can blow up whole planet in a second, they can take over this planet in a day, but the thing is ~ space is not only filled with Negative Et's who want to just take over everything that comes in their way, but there are forces of positive Et races that's what stopping many powerful negative Et's to get success in their agenda. The funny thing is ~ each negative group is trying everything they could but they are failing again and again, and as they get failure, they use another tactic, another method, another plan but they get failure only. After so many trials and errors, few of them finally figured out that if they want to get success, they have to take over people people from within, once you get power over collective consciousness, whole holographic universe comes in your command! But that's very complex thing to achieve as collective consciousness always backfire whenever it experience suppressions. The truth is you cannot stop consciousness from ascending, you can just slow down its progress. ☺

Yep, those movies were always been a part of their plan where they give hints to collective about their plans. ☺

well if I see any alien ships I will have to shoot at them and see if the bullets bounce off or go through.

Hahaha! Bullets won't make their way through them unless it's old reverse engineered ARV. 😁