In February of the month of traditional languages, I remember how much blood, sacrifice and movement had to protect mother language.

in #background6 years ago

In the months of the historic and traditional languages, I remember the need to protect mother language through blood, sacrifice and movement. Patriotic Bangalis were not hesitant to glorify this glorious mother language in their honor. Above all, on February 21 in the international honor received international recognition. The struggle between the language, the culture and the classical values ​​that have been excited in daily life, was unimpressive and non-destructive.

Throughout the ages, the wealthy Bengal is an integral part of undivided India, but the monopoly of Delhi's princes did not have to be done in that way due to the position of a safe distance from the main center of the rulers. Many historians also expressed the idea of ​​agreeing on such matters, while accepting Delhi's submission in exchange for a certain rent, but independently, the Nawabs of Bengal independently maintained their individuality. From there they began to fight soldiers from feudal feudal feudals, manage their affairs, and even without internal interference, dispute, and violence. The cultural viability of classical Bengal was also much ahead of the other parts of undivided India, among the material wealth and inexhaustible natural abundance. The historic context of Bengal, rich in socio-economic, natural and traditional wealth, was also a different dimension. Even in the rise and fall of various dynasties, the general population did not get its impression in everyday life. Small rural communities are the controlling forces of this huge social stagnation. And the rigid caste system - that nascent social composition covers the scope of further stagnation. There was no scope to look at the other side of the ordinary people except daily workflow. In the all-powerful authority of agricultural production, kulshit, religious worship, landlord, king, Nawab, the masses were silly, anti-hero and only the role of the productive class. And this rich rural Bengal, which has a far-reaching impact on the minds and minds of the Bengali people, is a genuine heroism of classical heritage and culture. It is evident in the speech of different priests that Bangla was largely not under the rule of an exclusive ruler. Perhaps that is why Bengal, where there is greatness in its richness, there is not only its authority but also in undivided India, an invincible, unmortal power. Just what? It is also very much free from the mysteries of the caste system and fundamentalism of the Indian subcontinent, known as the country of Spirituality. Hindu Brahmanism or Muslim fundamentalism could not take seats in Bengal in that way. The fertile silt of riverine Bengal, which gives flexibility and softness to the overall body of undivided Bengal, also flashes Bangladesh with its majesty. And this tradition-rich Bengal has kept many possibilities in the new horizon of the nineteenth century. The revolutionary tide that remains unchanged in that era, Bengal also remains unshakable in its own culture. The advent of the 19th century nineteenth century European Civilization, which has created an unforgettable revolution in the intellectual and intellectuals of Bengal, its true representative Prince Durkhanath Tagore, Raja Rammohun Roy, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Michael Madhusudan Datta, satirical poets God Gupta, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and much more. The legendary reply of the traditional Tagore family has led to the role of time-keeper Uri poet Rabindranath Tagore. Not only those 19th-century biographers, who gave the Bengali way to a new path, but more than that, he gave a new dimension to the vast expansion of his traditional status. King Rammohun made the first Bengali translation of the Vedas. Dwarkanath is the pioneer of Bengali industrialists. Vidyasagar gave attention to the formidable simplicity of Bangla language and to bring it to the hands of the masses. And literary emperor Bankimchandra is one of the first graduates of India, who has not only given the creative dimension of Bengal a new dimension, yet the novelist Bankim is unbeatable and unbeatable. More world poet Rabindranath took the Bangla language to international boundaries Not only did Nobel win, he also recognized Bangla and Bengali in the world court. And Lalon Shah of Kushtia, which made his splendor, is still radiating the light in the house of the Bengali enlightened spirit. Despite not being touched by the renaissance, even today the unimaginable Baul-Sadhak, which has spread the greatness of the world in conjunction with the Bengali language and its classical non-communal consciousness, and the uniqueness of the tunes of the tunes of the world. And Kazi Nazrul Islam also played the unity of all Bengalis regardless of caste, religion, color, caste, and he was also a highly respected man. The language of Bangla Bangla and Bengal's all-rounder of the Bangla language and Bangalis were stunned, the mother tongue brought its glorious feat to a unique height.In 1905, the disintegration of the Bengal or the abolition of the unwanted country in 1947, many of the patriotic Bengali people had to fight against the harsh social order of those who started the evil walks in Bengal and Bengal. The pavement of the fresh blood of the chest was not stigmatized to ramp up the streets; for the protection of mother language, life has been able to cross the seafaring past year. The opponent has given life to the end of the power of evil. All we have to do is keep your traditional cultural circle up to its own address.

The Bengali language was losing its own vain and in the worst part of the country's partition of 47 years. Bangladesh is bound to be in the new colony chain of Pakistan before getting rid of the catastrophes of the aggravated situation of the agricultural economy of the colonized colonies. The language of the mouth of the majority of East Bengal was Bangla. But the socio-economic and cultural dimensions of the poor people were becoming secondary in the emotional degradation of the mother language. Thus, their conscious mindset with the language of their mothers was completely empty. Urdu-speaking Bengali Nawabs have never taken seriously the Bengali language. As a result, the newly formed Pakistan government was thinking of Urdu and English as the vehicle for the state's activities. Many linguists became vocal against such unqualified decision. Muhammad Shahidullah, Abdul Haq and literary Syed Mujtaba Ali. The majority of Bangalis in the language of Pakistan are the majority. Suitable due to Dr. M Shahidullah claimed that Bengali should be the official language of the country due to the number of Bengali people. But Urdu can be accepted as the second language. Though Shahidullah but considered himself as a Muslim and a Pakistani, he was also unselfly introduced as a Bengali. Syed Mujtaba Ali said in an illustration: There are several system for introducing more than one state language in many countries. Multilingual Dr. Md. Shahidullah All his active, uncompromising role in the introduction of Bangla language in all spheres was continuing from the beginning of the creation of Pakistan.

The 'State Language Struggle Council' organized by the students of Dhaka University encourages their enthusiasm to take the Bengali language to national dignity, in the quest for a fight. His spontaneous resistance protest started, since the beginning of 1948. In such a breakthrough, Mohammed Ali Jinnah came to the conclusion of the revolutionary journey in March in Dhaka. In the historic episode of the movement, when the protest came down, the announcement came only from Jinnah. Before that on March 11 students protest demonstrations and police baton charge and tear gas throwing a dictatorial abusement of the then Pakistan government. Pakistani police detained some student leaders including Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Oli Ahad. In the protest, students observe the strike on March 12-15. However, students expected Jinnah to consider the demands of students for the state language of Pakistan. But instead of doing so, he was aghast at the agitation of the movement's movement. On March 21, 1948, in front of the crowd in the racecourse, he boldly expressed his strong and clear expression - Urdu and Urdu would be the only state language in Pakistan. In this crowded meeting Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman stood up against his speech. Bangabandhu also firmly said- No, Bengali will also be one of the state languages ​​of Pakistan. The then Prime Minister Khwaja Nazimuddin assured the students of state language but he did not take any effective action. The reason is deep and the roots. Because the Prime Minister himself was Urdu-speaking. Then the Bengali-non-Bengali Muslims were not raised in the cultural conflict, conflict, socio-economic structure, not only did they hesitate to integrate them with the reactionary ruling power. And its direct hit comes not only on certain cultural gardens, but also on whole socio-economic and political issues. As a result, the historic responsibility of surrounded, ruthless social clusters comes in the emerging students of that time, young people, peasants, workers and workers all over the world. The historic struggle of 1952, in which, inevitably fights a struggle, institutionalized the language movement with the participation of many. And this traditional language struggle started at the beginning of the autocratic movement of Bangali in East Pakistan. Already the literary talk begins with the adverse reaction of some of the prominent Bangalee creators on Bangla language. Its inevitable manifestation is the expansion of unnecessary Arabic, Persian and Urdu language in Bengali poetry. Not only that, some Bengali words in Nazrul were converted into Arabic, Persian. The use of Bangla words in such an environment of depression said. Md. Shahidullah once again expressed his firm determination for his motherly language with strong voice. With strong emphasis on the introduction and practice of Bangla language, Bangla was written in Arabic or Bangla or Bangla in English words.