Another quid pro quo? -New 'climate plan' the GOP wants voters to bite on while ignoring rollbacks, relies heavily on 'just planting trees'

in #backscratcher5 years ago (edited)

Yesterday the Hill came out with an article (referenced at the bottom of this page) about President Trump's announcement on Tuesday that the US will join the One Trillion Trees Initiative launched at the World Economic Forum, citing preservation and better management of forests. Republicans have hinted that their climate change plan would involve heavily relying on trees.

How does that address reducing the carbon pollution of the US? Based on the increase of atmospheric CO2 over the last 100 years, despite the fact that trees on earth have increased by 7% since 1982, it is clear that just planting trees is not going to 'cut it'. No pun intended. Clearly the problem extends beyond tree count, and the hard work humans have done to plant trees against those that have cut them down, has not reduced carbon count in ppm (parts per million) in our atmosphere.

In addition, suddenly he is a believer in climate change, yet he withdrew the US from the Paris Climate Agreement. He has no intent on re-entering the agreement, while also gutting the EPA's funding and reach. 97% of countries in the world were party to the agreement, and countries that were coordinating with the EPA on how to implement real change to their strategy, are now in the dark. They must re-align with the EU and other countries.

"Congressional Republicans and Donald Trump just blocked a package of clean energy tax credits from being included in the year-end tax and budget deal," Sierra Club global climate policy director John Coequyt said in a statement.

On Sunday Trump highlighted his plans to rollback an Obama era water policy, "I am directing the Corps of Engineers to immediately withdraw the proposed rule... and allow states to manage their water resources based on their own needs and based on what their farmers and ranchers want."

Under the Waters of the United States, federal protections were put in place on additional waterways to prevent pollution and runoff from agriculture, mining, drilling, fracking, manufacturing, and energy production.
Trump is set to reverse this in order to appease farmers and corporations who see the law as far reaching. He wants farmers' votes since the China trade war gutted their income, and the GOP wants the continued support of the fossil fuels industry and other corporations.

Remember when the Deep Horizon rig exploded and leaked on the ocean floor for months, destroying oyster and shrimp farming along the Gulf coast? How would rolling back regulations have helped the oyster farmers? It wouldn't have. This seems much simpler, because the pollution originated in the ocean.

So, imagine these rollbacks that farmers and corporations support. It allows them to reap more profit from their agricultural harvests, chemical production, and manufacturing, at a cost of polluting the waterways that will eventually cause harm to the ecosystems and water tables these pollutants flow through- as well as the oceans they flow to. So, while it may help farmers and corporations in the short term, by an increase of their income; it will cause damage along the way that can result in not only harmful effects to the ecosystems and wildlife, but also the humans residing in the path of these pollutants.

"Environmentalists and attorneys general have argued those changes will gut the Clean Water Act as pollution from farming, manufacturing, and energy production leach into water with less supervision."

Meanwhile, the potential damage to the environment is worth it, in order for Trump to get the votes he needs to win at all costs-especially after being impeached, and for the GOP to maintain control of the Senate.

quid pro quo /ˌkwid ˌprō ˈkwō/ noun
-a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something.

It's clear that the mindset of the GOP, is one that sees the advantage of these actions outweighing the risks & costs by far - in return for votes and support of the fossil fuel industries and corporate interests. This is a frightening quid pro quo that no one is paying attention to, under the guise of rolling back Obama's or other 'harsh regulations'. The GOP expect votes and lots of corporate money in return for the rollbacks and decisions they make.

Trump and the GOP are trading the health, safety, and welfare of Americans, along with the planet; for the advantage of those votes and corporate interest support. American people should pay close attention to this quid pro quo more than the one in the impeachment trial we are all distracted by right now. The GOP knows exactly what they are doing. They don't like Trump, but they are using him as a pawn and a puppet to distract the American people from the true devil in the shadows.

Don't be surprised if the GOP uses more of these attempts to convince voters they care about climate change, while they
secretly rollback more regulations in order to get more votes and corporate dollar support.

Here is an example article that shows 150 out of 535 Congressional Republican members receiving funding from fossil fuel industry. Mitch McConnell is among the largest receivers. Over $3 Million.

"Fossil fuel millionaires collectively pumped more than $100m into Republican presidential contenders’ efforts last year – in an unprecedented investment by the oil and gas industry in the party’s future.

About one in three dollars donated to Republican hopefuls from mega-rich individuals came from people who owe their fortunes to fossil fuels – and who stand to lose the most in the fight against climate change.

The scale of investment by fossil fuel interests in presidential Super Pacs reached about $107m last year – before any votes were cast in the Republican primary season."
(This quoted from source:

Main article source and quotes from:


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