Graham Balls For Valentine

in #baking3 years ago

Hello Foodies,

It is the weekend and I am looking forward to a much needed rest after completing this small batch order on my own. I showed my friend some samples that I made few days ago and had her do a taste test hoping I can secure a small order. She owns a small flower shop and I thought my goodies could be a great addition to her flowers especially this Valentine's day. Boy I was lucky.
These are the finished sweet treats. I decided a little bit of everything would be nice so the customers can have a taste of each.

This is my personal favorite because these balls look so nice and shiny that I would just want to look at them.

I am just a hobbyist and still new with baking. I played with my creativity a bit and started doodling hahaha it felt like I was indeed doodling pouring my thoughts into these Graham balls.
These have a touch of pink in them I think this pale pink color is just right nothing too bright or overpowering. This is my second favorite
I need to learn how to work efficiently and achieve that consistent look. I am frustrated with how they came out but I am learning as I go along.
When you do not have the time to think just sprinkle some colorful toppings like these
Same with these ones, maybe I will pick just one color next time like white or gold? My daughter suggested I try matcha so that would give me that nice green color on my white chocolate. I might just give that a try and search for a matcha
It took me longer to finish everything than I expected. I am glad though I finished them on time and are now sent to my friend. Overall I am happy and fulfilled with the experience as I am slowly learning not only about the recipe bbut with the pricing and packaging too. I will surely be able to use whatever I learned here moving forward.

Keep discovering. Satisfy your curiosity and never get tired learning new things