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RE: 🍌 Weekend Dating Tip (it involves bananas) 🍌

in #bananamemos6 years ago

Thank you, Lana. I have not tried to dip banana in chocolate. But what a lovely dessert! I will prepare this for my wedding anniversary date. I am sure you will definitely recommend it. 😊


What happened to Lana? Was she eaten by her date?

Haha!!! We should ask Lana. :-) As for my anniversary date, it hasn't happened yet. That will be next month. :-)

Here I am, peeps! Got sidetracked with a li'l ol' hurricane, but I'm back now.

@evlachsblog, Girl, I'm tellin' you, you can't go wrong with the whole chocolate-and-bananas combo! The meltier the chocolate, the better! Trust Lana on this one. 💗