Facts of Bangladesh: You Might Not Know

in #bangladesh4 years ago

As steemit arrived my mail inbox, I decided join "100 Days of Steem Challange". After 1.5 years, I am writting in Steemit. Let's keep this topic for another day.

Today I am going to write about my country. I am from a developing country. Maximum of you might not heard about Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is South Asian country. Once it was under British rule. In 1948, The great India was divided into two parts: India and Pakistan. In 1971, Bangladesh got independence from Pakistan. After two hundred years of waiting, we got our own land by giving up blood of 3 million people. This is why Bangladeshis reacts when they hear ill about their motherland.

Now I am going for the classic 5 things approch.

Five Things I Like about Bangladesh:

1. Patriotism:

You will see most Bangladeshis are emotional to their country. They are not ready to hear ill about Bangladeshis. If question come to protect Bangladesh, they will fight with bare hands.

2. Hospitality:

You are new in Bangladesh? No place to live? Just tell any Bangladeshi. They will take you to home. Even those who has little money will not deny you.

3. Cuisine:

Bangladeshi food are mostly spicy. Rice and Fish are our main food. We have 1200 rivers. This rivers give us fish and fertility of soil.

4. Rain:

I like rain. Rainy season is my favourite season. In Bengali Calender, Ashar & Srabon is Rainy Season(BarshaKal). Heavy Rain Fall occurs in April, May, June, July, August in Bangladesh. In Millitary Books, Bangladeshi rainy season is known as 'General Monsoon'. As rainy season helped us in 1971 Liberation War.

5. Green Field:

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. So you will see green every where in rural areas.

Five Things I Dislike about Bangladesh:

1. Over Population:

Bangladesh has 1,47,570 sq. km. But it has population of 170 Million(about). So Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world.

2. Political Violence:

Political violence is common in Bangladesh. Though recently this curse is rarely seen in Bangladesh. Thanks to the Awami League government for stabilizing this country.

3. Extremist Problem:

It's noteworthy problem for Bangladesh in recent times. Multiple parties are creating problem. They don't have support. One of the parties attacked "Holy Artisan Restaurant" in July 1, 2016. This attack took several lives. But our Army took control of the situation after a commando operation of 13 minutes.

4. Traffic Jam:

Much people, much traffic. But road are same. So, traffic jam is common in Bangladesh. Especially in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.

5. High Poverty:

The Bangladeshi Economy has grown signicantly in the past years. So, the poverty rate is drastically improving.

Five Things I would do to Improve life in Bangladesh:

1. Education:

I belive education is the backbone of a country. Educating people will broad their mind. They will be able to differentiate among bad and good. It will help us in many way: eradicating extremist problem, political violence etc. Because, they will know how poticians are using them to fulfil their demand.

2. Making Man Power:

We have 170 million people. I will like to make them Human power to improve their life.

3. Enforcing Law strictly:

I will like to enforce law strictly. Which will help to prevent political violence and other crimes.

4. Eradicating Corruption:

Honestly, corruption is lagging us behind. I will consider corruption as enemy to invade first.

5. Minimizing Natural Disaster Damage:

Bangladesh is the most affected country of Global warming. Cyclone, Flood, Drought etc visit Bangladesh annually. My target will be deminishing the damage. As human can't fight with nature.

Five things People from Elsewhere Misunderstood about Bangladesh:

1. Bangladesh is a part of India:

False. Foreign people think Bangladesh is a province of India. Remember, India is our friendly neighbour country. Bangladesh is a sovereign country.

2. Bangladesh is dangerous for travelling:

According to Global peace Index of 2015 , Bangladesh ranked 84 out of 162 countries. This is far better than USA.

3. Bangladeshi Speek Hindi:

False. Bangla is the national tongue of Bangladesh. To speak in Bangla, we gave blood in 1952.

4. Bangladesh is in the Middle of India:

Bangladesh at the apex of the Bay of Bengal bordered by Myanmar & India.

5. Citizens of Bangladesh are Bengalies:

False. Citzens of Bangladesh are called Bangladeshi. The native people of Bangla region(Bangladesh, West Bengal of India is known as Greater Bengal) who speaks Bangla are Bengalies.

Five Unusual Facts about Bangladesh:

1. The Sundarbans & The Royal Bengal Tiger:

The Sundarbans is the world's largest mangroves forest. 60 % of the Sundarbans is located in Bangladesh. The rest is shared with India. The worldwide known the Royal Bengal tiger lives in the Sundarbans. Bangladesh has most Royal Bengal Tiger in the world.

2. Gave blood to protect Language:

Bangladeshis gave blood in 21st February, 1952 to uphold the dignity of their mother tongue. Now this day is recognised as "International Mother Language Day".

3. Longest Sea Beach in the World:

Bangladesh is the home of the longest uninterrupted sea beach in the world. The Cox's Bazar sea beach is the largest sea beach in the world. It's 120 km long.

4. Most Densely Populated City on Earth:

Dhaka is the most populated city on Earth. 44,500 people live per km. It's 10 times than that of Madrid.

5. Longest Female-led Government:

From 1991, Bangladesh is led by female prime minister. In 1991, Khaleda Zia(Wife of General Ziaur Rahman, former president) was elected. Still now it is led by female one. The present Prime Minister is Sheikh Hasina. She is in office since 2009 for the third consecutive term. Bangladesh spent 30 years under female leadership which made the country with the longest female-led country.

To write this artical I take help of many sources such as Wikipedia, Travel Guides, Dictionaries etc. I am greatly thankful to people behind them. I have used images from various sources. I didn't change their web address to pay gratefulness to them.

Now I am going to finish my article. Let me know how you like this facts. If you wanna visit Bangladesh, leave comment.


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