48 Hours open house in Barcelona
Last Saturday to Sunday on the 21.10.2017 was the 48 Open house in Barcelona. On the weekend one was able to see the difference kind of architecture in Barcelona and visit places that you can't see on on every day basis. This event only happens once a year.
The link of the event:
The link to the Auditori + ESMUC + Museu de la Música:
One of the stops was the Auditori + ESMUC + Museu de la Música/Catalonia College of Music.The Catalonia College of Music (Catalan: Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, ESMUC is a music school in Barcelona, Catalonia
The School is located in Barcelona at L'Auditori, a performing arts center inaugurated in 1999 which also houses three concert halls and is designated as the site of a museum of musical instruments.[The school has an international faculty and student body, and includes departments for Classical and Contemporary Music, Early Music, Jazz and Popular Music, Traditional Music, Theory and Composition, Music Education, Music Business, and Sonology.
Here are a few pictures that I took. Enjoy!