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RE: An Unconditional Basic Income For Everyone

in #basicincome6 years ago

On labor day the German unions spoke against an UBI with rediculous arguments (my German rant).

It would out people on the storage track (right word?), people would sit unhappy at home, and most fearsome: Work and money would be decoupled!

Imagine that, people would maybe work without getting paid by someone else! JUST BECAUSE THEY LIKE IT!!!

Imagine people could create beauty instead of destroying the earth to earn a living!
Imagine they would have time to care for their elders!
Imagine people would do what they think has a meaning! (On this my post of yesterday: )

It is easy to see that the unions fear that they will vanish if people are able to just walk away from a workplace that does not pay them fair or where they are seen as slaves.