RE: Why inequality is growing so extreme and how Alaska points the way to the solution
Compare the prices of mobile phone 20 years ago and now and you will see that prices for electronics decline all the time.
Compare how your parents live and how you spend your time and you will understand that people are living better and better. In my childhood an automatical washing machine was a dream, we spent half saturday for washing almost manually since washing machine had to be taken care of all the time. To get any information we had to go to the library, to watch a movie we first had to find it on the TV program.
Maybe you think that change of life could be made for ordinary people by other poors but in fact not. All the R&D, all inventions now need plenty of money and to have those plenty of money for inventions we need those people judging what kind of island will suit them better. Those daddies should have real spare money to search for ways to live forever since this task is presumed to be never solved.
Government R&D is based on government income from tax, and everyone participates in that. That's not based on some rich people's whim.
The cellphones you just mentioned is largely the results of government funding. Government funding is based on the economic system, which would thrive more when the money circulates better between the people and the government in a more equal society.
The internet, GPS, infant formulas, vaccines, touch screen, wind energy, etc are invented thanks to government funding.