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RE: Our playing fields aren't level but can be more level with universal basic income

in #basicincome8 years ago (edited)

Just a reminder that the brightest and best are still screwed by giving em tinyhouses. They still need to make themselves dependent on owners of industry winning ventures, selling out everything they could ever create, if they want any customers whatsoever if we simply let usage of the Land further concentrate by non-governmental, but instead technological factors (and traditional private inheritance/gifting based on non-merit, but instead Love relations) such as the Network Effect and Economies of Scale. (edit: that are improving in applicability, efficiency at a terrific pace thanks to automation/deep learning)

We can already see that in action by the circumstance that across all industries, the industry leading companies have managed to increase gap between marginal cost of creating another product/service, and the sales price, which is not true for the 'second in line' companies in the respective fields. (interesting breakdown of two papers, one of em pointing that out.) (While mass labor is increasingly in low wage menial services that just aren't profitable enough to automate just yet. However, everything learned from building deep learning neural networks for developing self driving cars, is quite clearly useful for building neural networks for any of that, I'm pretty sure.. It's a pretty flexible technology.)

It's humanitarian to provide people the opportunities to actually compete without having to beg yesteryear's winner (edit: or really just the CEO in charge of making sure the owner/shareholder is making maximum profit or that the company is retaining maximum capital for buying whatever that might ever be conceivably useful for the company to stay ahead.) "oh please mister let me work for you for next to nothing, all the customers can't be arsed to change platform because the marginal utility of my slightly improved platform isn't worth the hassle"

And short of abolishing the open internet, I don't really see this tendency of "winner takes all" stop. Sure, we also would do good in weakening patent/IP laws and introducing tinyhomes for everyone. Not trying to contest that notion.

All I do is demand for people to get the money they're owed due to the way the economy is increasingly structured. Not trying to make your demands any less valuable.

But if all the people have more of the money they're owed, rather than less people having it who had a lot of luck on their side, then that can only mean more opportunity for whoever that only has their labor to sell.

I'm also not saying that this must happen by today's government. It could happen by any form of governance we chose to uphold for our Land relations.

I'm also not trying to say that governance is very democratic today. I do see that a lot of it takes place to further enrich owners. That is another problem indeed.