2021 BAT price prediction based on brave browser mass adoption

in #bat4 years ago
 BAT is a native coin of the brave browser platform created and issued on the ethereum platform and is used to reward content creators on the brave platform as well as users of the brave platform. When the brave browser conducted its ICO for its BAT coin in late 2017, one BAT was going for around $0.03 .In the beginning of 2018, the price rises to around $0.95 followed by another drop of around $0.2 in early 2019. Currently, one BAT is at around above $0.19 and is expected to rises due to an increase in the number of brave users. This upward and downwards movement of BAT can further be explained based on its mass adoption as follows;

Mass adoption

       The brave browser has two key players,the advertisers and publishers. There is another player between these two, the daily brave user whose work is to connect the publishers and advertisers. The currency on the brave platform is the BAT. When more users as well as publishers are joining the brave platform, the utility function of the BAT also increases  since more advertisers will start using the  BAT coin to advertise their business on the brave platform. If the reward for both users and publishers decline, the utility function of BAT will also decline since users as well as publishers will start leaving the brave platform for other browsers platforms with more reward.This will cause the BAT price to also decline. Therefore, the future price analysis for BAT can be explained on a bullish and bearish condition as follows;

1.BAT bullish price analysis based on its mass adoption.

          In a bullish market, the BAT will be moving in an upward direction. In late 2017, the brave platform conducted its first ICO where one BAT was going for around $0.03. By 2018,the price had managed to go as high as $0.95. The price then dropped to around $0.2 in 2019. Currently, the price is trading at around above $0.19   after it managed to have gone as high as $0.27 by the beginning of this year. Here is the candle stick  chart showing the BAT price analysis;     


           The above is the BAT market in terms of USDT . From the market, two points are being indicated. There is point A and point B. Before point A, the BAT market can be seen to be trending in an upward direction all the way to around $0.209 from its lowest point of around $0.1920.This upward market movement has been as a result of the increase in the number of users  as well as publishers thus resulting to more advertisers joining the brave to advertise there using the BAT token. At $0.209, some publishers as well as users are starting to sell their earned BAT thus increasing its supply to the market. This in turn causes the BAT to experience a downward pressure where it moves downward to point A at $0.204. At point A, there are more number of advertisers who are now again joining the platform again to advertise their business since the brave users are increasing in number. This again causes the utility function of brave to increase again thus causing the demand to increase which in turn causes the price to increase again and moves further upwards to point B again at above $0. 207. If more users and publishers will continue to join the platform,then the utility function of BAT will continent to increase thus causing its price to further increase. By the end of 2020,the price can go as high as $0.3 if this is bound to happen . This is the right time to buy some BAT and hold it until the year ends

2. BAT bearish price analysis based on its mass adoption.

    In a bearish market, the BAT will be moving in a downwards direction. In late 2017 when the BAT conducted its ICO, one BAT was going for around $0.03. In 2018,the price managed to go as high as $0.95 followed by another drop of around $0.2 in early 2019.Currently, one BAT is around above $0.19. This price analysis for BAT is being indicated as from the candlestick chart below;          


The above is the BAT market in terms of USDT . There are two points indicated,A and B Before point A, the BAT market can be seen to be tending in a downwards direction all the way to around $0 .193 from its previous high of $0.21. This downwards market movement for BAT has been as a result of a decrease in the number of users as well as publishers due to a decline in their revenue. This in turn also causes the advertisers to start looking for other platforms with huge number of users thus resulting to a decline in the utility function of BAT. This causes the demand for BAT to decline thus causing the price to decline to $0.193 as earlier stated. At $0.193,existing advertisers are purchasing some BAT so that to use them to advertise their business on the brave platform . This result to an increase in the demand for BAT thus causing the price to slightly increase to point A at $0.1996. At point A,the reward is further declined thus causing more users as well as publishers to exit the brave platform and join other well rewarding platform. This also causes the advertisers to exit the brave platform and join other platforms with huge number of users so that their business can gain more traffic. This result to a further decline of the BAT utility function thus causing its demand to decline which in turn causes the price to decline to point B at $0.1952 .If this will continue although I am not bearish for BAT,then the price can go as low as $0.14


         BAT is a native coin of the brave platform that is being created and issued on the ethereum network. There are three players on the  brave platform, the user s,advertisers and publishers. The advertisers use the BAT to advertise the business on the brave platform while the publishers use the brave platform to distribute their content which is being consumed by users upon viewing the advert being displayed.They are then being rewarded for that. In 2017,the brave platform conducted its ICO where one coin was going for $0.03. By 2020,the price had managed to go to $0.22 having reached its highest of $0.95 in 2018. Therefore, we can say that when users and publishers are exiting the brave platform due to a decline in its reward ,then the advertisers will also exit the brave platform for other platforms to advertise there thus resulting to a decline in its utility function which result to a decline in its demand. This will cause its price to decline. On the other hand,if there is an increase in its reward ,more users and publishers will join the brave platform thus causing more advertisers to also join to advertise their business there. This will result to an increase in its utility function thus resulting to an increase in its demand. This will in turn cause the price to increase. I am bullish for BAT

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