RE: Red Bauhinia - a warm colour during winter.
A shrubby plant that often climbs into surrounding trees and reaches up to 5 m or more in height. Its younger branches are finely hairy while the older stems quickly become hairless. Its broad leaves (2-7 cm long have two common names.
Also known as: red bauhinia, African orchid tree, African plume, butterfly bush, dwarf orchid tree, lowveld bauhinia, orchid tree, pride of De Kaap, red orchid tree.
Occasionally naturalised in the Moreton district in south-eastern Queensland. Also recorded on a couple of occasions in central Queensland.
A weed of roadsides, disturbed sites, waste areas, old gardens, urban bushland, coastal environs, gullies, riparian vegetation, open woodlands and forest margins.
A shrubby plant usually growing 1-4 m tall in cultivation. However, it often climbs into surrounding trees and reaches up to 5 m or more in height when growing in natural vegetation (i.e. it is a scandent shrub).
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