How does the BBC plan to address the increasing criticism that its coverage on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict often reads more like propaganda than objective journalism?

in #bbcyesterday

It doesn’t.

It won’t. It never will.

Journalism in our day and age is pretty broken. The people who are supposed to be bringing us the news—unadulterated facts—now wear their biases on their sleeves.

Part of it is partisan agenda. Part of it is pandering to a specific audience, thus improving ratings. And revenue.

But regardless of the reasons why, with minor exceptions, this is what journalism is nowadays. You have limited choices if you want something different:

a. You can strive to find the outlets that seek to be unbiased (shout out to Tangle)

b. You can seek media that supports your viewpoint, rather than feel angry at those who do not

c. Or you can read a variety of approaches, and do your best to piece together the truth on your own

Or you could avoid media entirely.

Regardless of which approach you take, it’s undeniable that the state of affairs has changed, isn’t good, and is unlikely to return to the way it was anytime soon.

The BBC will unabashedly criticize Israel because for whatever reason they’ve deemed that to be in their best interest. Those who disagree can fight back by showing an alternative perspective, or by just not reading their stuff.

But they won’t change, and it would be naive at this point to expect or hope for that.
