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RE: Beautiful Sunday, Sublimely So!

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago

We have a kind not too different memorial. I don't have a picture of it but this is what I found from Google maps street view.,103.8542564,3a,75y,123.72h,107.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjs2PufMXDD36UG9MkICS1w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

It's the Civilian War Memorial

Some people called it chopsticks.


Civilian War Memorial
The Memorial to the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation, usually called the Civilian War Memorial (Chinese: 日本占领时期死难人民纪念碑; Malay: Tugu Peringatan Bagi Mangsa Awam Pemerintahan Jepun) is a war memorial and heritage landmark in Singapore. It was built in memory of the civilians killed during the Japanese occupation of Singapore during World War II. The Civilian War Memorial sits on serene parkland in the midst of busy city traffic near Singapore's Padang and City Hall. Located within the War Memorial Park at Beach Road within the Central Area, Singapore's central business district, it is usually easy to spot in most backdrops encompassing the CBD landscape. It was gazetted as a 65th national memorial in 2013.

Wow! I read the history of it, @ace108 and I had no idea that so many perished in the occupation. War is always so devastating.

Chopsticks! :) Yes! I can see that! A perfect name and it is such a dominant memorial, just like ours is.

so, you see we are a nation with food written everywhere. :-)

You Win!! LOL :)