beautiful sunday — I think I found springtime
It doesn't take much to make me happy. I like simple things.
Finding Spring has been a game of patience while keeping a keen eye out for the signs. And there are signs.
Spring has a smell — one of rich moist earth. It also has sounds — robins whose song is distinct from the other birds and gentle rains and breezes.
Spring has sights — bright greens of newly budding grasses and tiny bulbed plants; yellows, purple shades or the crocus, daffodils and other perennials that poke their heads up out of the frozen ground.
Another sign is touch. Milder weather brings softer breezes and the sun provides a warm caress to our faces. Lastly, the spring harvest is spring time's taste.
Hope everyone enjoys their own beautiful Sunday.
Category | Nature Photography |
Camera | Nikon D3100 |
Lens | Nikkor AF-S 55mm f/1.8 -16.0G |
Settings | ISO200 | 50mm | f/1.8| 1/4000 and 1/800s |
Location | Flamborough, Ontario |

Happy Earth Day @countrygirl
Hey @zamamiali!! You too!! We'll be taking the hour to go without electricity here. It's fun to do it and I told my husband we ought to do it once a day. Be electronic free!!
Here the activity turns off the lights only held once a year, for one hour and we in Aceh have done it in early April yesterday.
Have a nice day @countrygirl
You too!! :)
A breath of spring in those photos and the temperature is 63F - Time to put away the snow shovels and change the snow tires on the car!
Yes! And wash the car please and thank you!! We don't want Sean to tsk about it. Or Ben for that matter.
You are photografer very nice
Love springs newness enjoy your day too.
Thank you, you too :)
For happiness you need very little :), we just need to look around, be able to enjoy the little things and be grateful for every day :)
Very true!
You really are making great use of that lens! I'm still jealous of your flowers, but I saw a couple plants sprouting, here. I see your robins are back, too!
My telephoto lens motor broke was making an awful grinding sound and wouldn't take photos - sometimes it would and other times no. Now it's not working at all. Ugh. I hope it's not expensive to repair.
If you saw sprouts today, you'll see flowers'll see :)
Ouch! My Canon 70-300 took a hit and made noise, but it never stopped working. Canon was going to charge about $170 to fix it, but I replaced it instead and sold the old one for $100 as-is.
Do you have something like Craigslist in Canad? I've never checked to see if it covers Canada. You can sometimes find a really nice deal on used lenses there. Of course, you have to test it before buying, so you know it works.
Yes, we do. We have Craigslist and Kijiji. My local camera shop, Henry's, is a great resource for me. I am heading over there today to see what they have to say. I hope it's not too serious. I still haven't tried one of my other lenses to see if the problem is the camera or the lens. I think lens, but, I've been wrong before :)
When I was in Córdoba visiting, this other photographer had camera fail. It turned out the lens' internal software was messed up and would actually lock up the camera's software. That was fun to troubleshoot... lol. Good luck with the telephoto! I hope it's an easy fix.
Me camera actually refused to stop working after a bit as well. eeeeee.....
Oh no! Well, of you want to try troubleshooting...
Take off the lens, take out the battery, turn it on and press the shutter button. That will clear the camera memory. Then turn it off, or the battery back in, attach a different lens, and turn it back on.
It's fixed!!! It's fixed!!! Thank you so much for your input. But it wasn't anything serious. It was a rubber band that I put on the lens but unfortunately the rubber was touching the seem where it needed to move!! lol.
Spring has finally arrived in Ontario. For a while, it looked like you would go right into summer from winter...
I know !!! We were out today for a walk - it's so beautiful. And of course the younger kids are out with shorts and t shirts - not that warm. Some things never change :)
Don't tell me you never went out in shorts in a t-shirt when you were studying for exams...
who me? no way.....we'd get the belt....!!
Lovely article, glad to know it's spring time over there
Me too!
I too have been patiently awaiting for Spring. I think it has finally began here this week. :D
Oh take some photos!!! I want to really believe it's here and this isn't a mirage!!!
I have been. :D Me too, I will be so sad if I see snow again.
You did indeed manage to capture spring perfectly @countrygirl. See you found it. I'm not sure it will be a long season but at least we are getting warmer.
So true. I'll take what we get for now :) Then I'll start complaining about the summer humidity....isn't that the way it goes? lol