the diary game. 12/4/2021
Hello friends, how are you?
I hope you all are well friends...
Friends, as usual, today I woke up for the first time, after praying in the mosque, I went to a beautiful garden, a friend called me there, we walked there together and we enjoyed the beauty there a while later. Relaxed after mentioning and I took pictures of some beautiful places. I like the places that I am posting in these posts.
As you can see in this garden there are Maltese trees on one side and Guava trees on the other side. Malta just got ready a few days ago and went to the market. Will be ready too and I found this scene very beautiful so I thought I'd show it to you guys.
The real beauty is that while saving space in a garden, the Mickey crop has also been given a lot and onions have also been planted here so that if one crop is sold in the market, other crops will be ready. What I am showing you in the picture is a very beautiful scene and will you guys like this scene very much?
Thank you all very much....