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RE: Craft Beer: Can Being Gimmicky Go Too Far? “Holy Water” Stout

in #beer6 years ago

Perhaps it has to do with its former name "Vampire Slayer" ... I'm pretty sure you'd need holy water to do that. Adding garlic and a silver bullet might not have mixed so well with the other flavors :P


You bring up a good point, it's possible it can be more outrageous! If they added garlic and silver bullets to the brewing process...that would even be more gimmicky! And have it brewed it in the dark, away from sunlight lol....

Only if it came in a coffin shaped packages with a crucifix bottle opener.

There have been some gimicks that I have seen around Arkansas from local brewerys such as fruit infused beer. But really even the major brands have their own gimicks. First one that comes to mind is Miller 64. definitely completed the gimmickiness..not sure it can get more than that

Just seen today that a brewery in Texas is making a beer with peeps for this weekend. At first I thought it was a Aprils fools joke but doesn't appear to be the case.

Yea been seeing a lot of crazy stuff here in Chicago as well. Everyday gets weirder. Seeing a lot of people brewing with breakfast cereals. Not entirely sure about if this is a good thing. There’s some cool flavors to explore there and nostalgia but breakfast cereals are full of artificial crap that ca mess up the beer. So it’s a matter of the breweries can use wacky ingredients but also make it taste good. Like I said , I don’t think all this is a bad thing necessarily but I just hope it ends up producing quality beer!