Komes Wymrażany Porter Bałtycki Jack Daniel’s Barrel Aged z Browaru Fortuna [PL/ENG]

in #beer6 days ago

Komes Wymrażany Porter Bałtycki Jack Daniel’s Barrel Aged z Browaru Fortuna
Styl: Eisbock / Wymrażany Porter Bałtycki
Ekstrakt: 36,0 % wag.
Alkohol: 15,0 % obj.
Goryczka: ? IBU

Warka ważna do 31.01.2028.

Aromat: śliwka.

Smak: bardzo wyraźna, słodka śliwka.
Czuć moc, alko daje o sobie znać.
Niestety nie jest tam pełne, jak miałem nadzieję, że będzie.
W tle lekki kwasek kawowy.
Do tego trochę czerwonych owoców.

Naprawdę smaczne piwo, ale też ma swoje niedociągnięcia.

Cena: ok. 45 zł.

Komes Wymrażany Porter Bałtycki Jack Daniel’s Barrel Aged (Browar Fortuna)
Style: Eisbock / Wymrażany Porter Bałtycki
Extract: 36.0% by weight
Alcohol: 15.0% ABV
Bitterness: ? IBU
Best before: 31.01.2028

Dominant plum, very sweet and rich.
Hints of vanilla and almonds, with a noticeable touch of marzipan.
The barrel aging adds subtle whiskey and oak nuances.

Strong sweet plum flavor upfront, very pronounced.
Notes of vanilla and almond, with a marzipan-like smoothness.
Alcohol is noticeable, adding warmth and a slight burn, though it complements the sweetness.
Unfortunately, the body lacks the fullness expected for a beer of this caliber and style, making it slightly thinner than anticipated.
There's a light coffee sourness in the background, along with faint hints of red fruits, which add complexity but may not be prominent enough for everyone.

Overall Impression:
Very flavorful, with rich, sweet fruitiness and distinct barrel-aging characteristics. The whiskey barrel aging adds a nice depth, but the body could benefit from being a bit more robust. The alcohol presence is significant but expected for such a high ABV beer.
It's a delicious beer, though it has some minor flaws, particularly in terms of body and balance.

Price: ~45 zł.