Nie Ma Takiego Miasta z Browaru Artezan [PL/ENG]

in #beer3 hours ago

Nie Ma Takiego Miasta z Browaru Artezan
Styl: Ordinary Bitter / New Zealand Bitter
Ekstrakt: 11,5 % wag.
Alkohol: 4,8 % obj.
Goryczka: ? IBU

Warka ważna do 25.08.2024.

Aromat: biszkopt, przyprawy.

Smak: A jakże – biszkopt.
Subtelna pomarańcza w tle.
Zero alko, całość ogólnie mocno sesyjna.
Goryczka jest, ale taka o.

Całość smaczna, ale taki średni z tego bitter.

Cena: 12,90 zł.

Nie Ma Takiego Miasta (Browar Artezan)
Style: Ordinary Bitter / New Zealand Bitter
Extract: 11.5% by weight
Alcohol: 4.8% ABV
Bitterness: ? IBU
Best before: 25.08.2024

Dominated by biscuity notes with a hint of spices in the background.

The taste starts with a pleasant biscuit malt character.
There's a subtle touch of orange lurking in the background, adding some fruity nuance.
Light spices and a bit of caramel sweetness round out the flavor profile.
Alcohol is not noticeable, making this a very sessionable beer.
The beer is light and easy-drinking, with a gentle bitterness that's present but not overly assertive.

Overall Impression:
A very drinkable and sessionable bitter, though perhaps on the milder side of the style. The balance between the biscuit malt, light citrus, and spice is pleasant, but the beer could use a bit more character to stand out. It's tasty, but a bit average for a bitter.

Price: 12.90 zł.