Just Gonna - Kent Falls Brewing Company - Beer Review

in #beersaturday7 years ago


Just Gonna - Kent Falls Brewing Company

Beer Review

Just Gonna is a 6% alcohol/volume American IPA made by Kent Falls Brewing Company in Kent Falls, CT. Kent Falls Brewing Company is a small american farm brewery in northwestern Connecticut. Just Gonna is the brother of 'Send It', a similar IPA brewed by Kent Falls. The Just Gonna is brewed with flaked wheat and oats, honey, and then hopped with Citra and Galaxy. This is the third beer I've tried from Kent Falls Brewing Company and so far I am very impressed with what I've tasted.


Check out Just Gonna Reviews on Beer Advocate: (Rated 4.29/5)

See what else Kent Falls Brewing Company has to offer:


More Beers by Kent Falls Brewing Company

Reviewed by @jeffjagoe

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Shruggie

Some Vague Reassurance Everything's Going to Be Alright



The Can

I thoroughly enjoyed the artwork featured on the Just Gonna can. As you can see, it features a guy flying off a jump while riding a snow-mobile with 1-hand. His only thought before he launched was "I'm just gonna send it!". To this very day we will never know the fate of the snow-mobiler... but it has been said that he landed it perfectly and went to celebrate at the local pub with a pint of freshly brewed IPA.


The Beer

The Just Gonna was light and cloudy as I poured it into a glass. An aroma of tropical citrus filled the air. As I gave it a first sip I could notice a little bit of honey flavor that was used during the brew process. I thought the hint of honey was a nice touch for a citrusy IPA. Overall it had a clean and crisp taste. A great refreshing IPA to be on rotation from Kent Falls Brewing Company. I look forward to trying more of their brews in the future!


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They sell this in my city! I will definitely pick up a 6 pack of it!

Do it! Kent Falls has been crankin' out some delicious stuff lately!

incredible brother really that all the beers that you have published, each one is unique and unmatched, I have never seen beers like that, and not only that, but the cans are very nice, this one in particular is very funny, so with the boy on the snowmobile and almost walking, really amazing

Such an unusual turbid color. You know, it reminds me of a Russian Mead. This is a drink similar to beer, it is prepared with honey.

Interesting I have not tried a Russian Mead before but my old Irish friends used to claim Mead was amazing haha

Do not ask how many tests a day? By the way the design of the can is very nice, do you collect them all?

I do not collect them, I recycle :)

I want to try those beers :( they look delicious all you've presented so far

This one I liked but I think the coffee one was my favorite, since I love coffee but I want to try them are interesting flavors

whats the best way to get the beer as cold as possible without freezing?

Put it on ice!

sometimes i wet a paper towel with cold water and wrap the can/bottle before putting it in the freezer for a bit

Just gotta be sure you don’t forget about it!

amazing post.i like beer,
thanks for sharing this post..

First time i see it...how can i find it?

wow..amazing food photography.