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RE: Why do Bees Swarm ?

in #bees7 years ago

I was a beekeeper in the USA before I moved to Panama and it was fascinating learning and watching them. They would swarm a lot in the spring to go off and start new colonies, and my neighbors got good at spotting them and calling me when they were in a tree. I would call the local beekeeping club who would send someone out with a gentle vacuum to scoop them up, and then donate them to a new beekeeper to get them started. A swarm looks a bit scary but they are harmless and will move on when they are ready.


Must have been amamzing, I've been thinking of setting a hive up for collection of honey. Learning alot since I found this swarm.

You should! if you don't mind a few stings. They don't take much care and are good for the planet, in addition to the honey.