Behind the Mystery Door

Welcome My Friends

To What Lies Beyond

The Mystery Door

The great Steemer @onceuponatime has a contest going where we are to help him see what lies behind the mystery door. I plan to see if I can help him out using only my own photos!

Let me look into my magical ball and see what lies beyond the mystery door!


Ah yes, the mystery door looms before us in the magical glass. Shall we begin?


Once the mighty doors swing open, a massive knight becomes aware of our presence. He immediately points to a table where there is...


A glass with a strange looking red liquid...

Apparently he wants us to drink

However, as we touch the glass, the liquid starts to emit a strange fog...


As the liquid touches our lips, we instantly begin to feel like we are spinning and losing control as the entire universe is spread out before us...


Oh yes we see visions of dangerous beasts

And crazy looking creatures

There were hairless women and Indians...

But the scariest of all was


None other than Hank the Drinking Bird!


Some might even believe there were visions of Hell.

Cropped and small Bubble_Fire__PS__P1100315.jpg

Yet I believe the liquid was simply a Love Potion that will enable you to find your True Love, as I did here.


Well @onceuponatime, I think you should enter the door and drink deeply from the Love Potion. Finding your True Love is worth all the risks in the world :) Thanks for the fun contest, I enjoyed it.

Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.



WOW. Thanks for entering my contest so picturesquely!

If Hank the Drinking Bird is in to ouzo, we could be friends!

Much obliged for the upvote! @onceuponatime

Oh yes Hank has never been one to be fussy about what he is drinking. He loves it ALL and he just cant help himself!

Not too fussy?!!?! Here I thought for a moment that I might find an ouzo aficionado, not some old bird who doesn't care WHAT he is drinking.

Oh, take the ouzo, Hank!!!

You will never drink the water again! She is just your speed, your little doll!;)

Oh she does bear a striking resemblance to someone I know, but I just cannot put my finger on it :)

Great post Paul! Again congratulations for being the member of the month!
In the other hand I just want to comment here about the blonde doll...I don’t know why but I found her a replica of Denise???
What do you think @dswigle about this?
To clarify I do not intend to offend nobody here, also I think the doll is very pretty!
Hugs and kisses 😘

LOL well I have always had a thing for the blondes LOL. However I had nothing to do with making the doll lol. It was from a post from back around Halloween where I was getting married to this lucky doll LOL Check it out, it was quite a wedding!

Lol 😂
I remember Paul! No need to clarify nothing! I am just messing with you! Thank s for made laugh! As I said once! You are hilarious!!

LOL OMG! She is adorable! ;)

Oh it was fun looking at an old blast from the past LOL!!! No, you are too funny :)

I wanna go through THIS door! But I fear it may be a one way trip. But what a trip it would be. Thanks for the creativity and large amounts of mirth. You be da man.

Haha! Very creative story with photos to accompany it. You made me smile!

Aww that makes my day :)

Well you made my day by making me smile! I know it must have taken you a while to put all that together!

Well it does make storing these otherwise useless photos seem worth while ;)

If you are anything like me, you have more than enough of those to spare. LOL!

Send me a quart of that stuff, Paul. Engaging tale here:) Smiling away:)

Oh but I charge by the milliliter LOL!

Very Canadian of you ... getting all metric:)

Maybe you can put in a good word for me and they will make me an honorary Canadian :)

I'll put your application in the file ... but I have to ask ... how much do you know about hockey and what position do you play?

what an excellent post! I have lot to learn from you.

haha..I was going to do a door theme today...funny. Did you use that one for the mundane door knob contest?? Fun bunch of photos :)

No I didn't enter that door knob contest coz I really don't have any decent ones. Still time to enter this one I believe.

No I mean there is time for YOU to use your door theme possibly for this contest. Maybe you already posted it and I misunderstood.

Oh....yes, I did enter @kus-knee's contest. But, no, I didn't do a door theme today. I did one on "red". I had the hardest time coming up with something today and even when I did I didn't know what to say. Hours went by and then I figured I'd put up quotes, like that's new for me 😂

Never mind anyhow...the contest is closed. Whose on first ??

Great posts, it's a good story, regards