Behind The Photo contest - Edition #4

in #behindthephoto5 years ago (edited)

The Behind The Photo contest continues with Edition #4!

In the third edition, we saw interesting entries yet again! We are getting spoiled now for sure... If you haven't looked into any of the previous entries, search for the #behindthephoto tag, and you will find them, or go to the @behindthephoto blog, where we re-steem all valid entries.

For those of you who haven't read the background for this contest, here's a quick re-cap.

There's a lot of great photographers (both pro and amateur) on this platform. But sometimes we feel that we want to know what the story behind a particular photo was. The "why"-s and the "how"-s and the "when"-s and so on. We thought that the story behind could be just as interesting (if not more) than the actual photo itself. Also, being amateur photographers, we felt that it would be great to "pick the brains" of all the pros. To perhaps learn new techniques, tricks, planning, gear and everything else they know so much better.

That's how the idea of "Behind The Photo" was born. This contest is not about the photo itself, but about the process before or during the photo was taken. (If you decide to enter this contest, you can of course include the "final" photo if you want. :-) )

We would like you to share and document your journey towards the photo - with text and/or photo(s) or even video(s). We would like to know your thoughts, ideas, decision process and the story behind. For example:

  • Was it spontaneous, in the moment? Then show/tell us about why. What prompted you to take the photo?
  • Was it planned? Then show/tell us about your preparations.
  • Who or what were you going to photograph? For what? This contest, a magazine, for this platform?
  • When did you take the picture?
  • How did you take the picture?
    • Camera, tripod, lenses, filters, etc.
  • Did you have to travel to where you took it?
  • Did you have to wait for the right moment?
  • Where did you take the picture?
    • Was it during a vacation, or while walking to the supermarket?
    • Was it deep in a forest, waiting for animals to walk by, or with your dog in your backyard?
    • Was it outside in freezing snow and ice, or inside a warm and comfortable high-end studio?
  • Did you do any post-processing?
    • What software did you use? Filters, cropping, retouching, colours etc.

All of these are ideas which we think could help you make a good entry for the contest and we would like you to use as many of them as you can.

In the first edition, we made a "quick and dirty" example, just to show you what you could do. Or not. Because we are sure you can do better, that was just an example. The link to that and the first edition post is here.

If you want to check out previous editions' winners and their excellent entries, here are the links:

Edition #3
1st place @axeman - Axeman's Travelfeed #016 - Burning Curonia - Behind The Photo Contest Entry

@axeman took us to the coast of the Baltic Sea, Lithuania. With him and his set for the day, we traveled by ferry to Curonian Spit, were the clouds and the insanely colourful sunset provided a stunning backdrop for his little trip.

2nd place @wwwiebe - Behind the Photo: Battlestar Galactica

@wwwiebe showed us how cool indoor "light painting" can be, and all the work behind it. The set, materials, lights, etc were just so interesting to see and, of course, the final photos representing outer space were absolutely amazing.

3rd place @sacrosanct - Stigma of the Lily Flower- Behind The Photo contest - Edition #3

And finally, @sacrosanct, who shared macros of a very common but beautiful side of the nature, the stigma of the lily flower.

As in the previous editions, the stories behind all the photos were above all interesting, go and check them out!

You can also check our previous edition winners' post which were no less fantastic:

As any other contest, we have rules:

  • One (1) entry per account.
  • Your entry can be in the form of writing, photos or even videos.
  • Text, video(s) and photo(s) must be your own. This will of course be checked, and any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification of your entry and will be reported to steemcleaners.
  • Multiple photos can all go in one post.
  • Your entry must be in English. Feel free to use additional languages, but the translation must be equivalent to the English version.
  • You must use the tag #behindthephoto. It doesn't have to be the first tag, as long as you use it. This way, we, other contestants and interested parties can find your entry easily.
  • The title of your entry must have the words "Behind The Photo" as a part of it.
  • Your entry must include a link to this post (for example at the very end of your entry).
  • If you want to do a collaboration with a friend (like the example we made) that is totally fine. Just don't tell the same story! Be nice and credit each other!
  • Re-steems of this post are not required, but would of course help, to let others know about the contest.
  • You do not have to post a link to your entry in a comment below, as we will be checking the tag.
  • We reserve the right to exclude any entry which we deem to be low-effort. I.e. one-picture entries with a couple of sentences, or a two-minute video will NOT cut it.


This edition of the contest will be active from the moment THIS is posted, and will run for seven (7) days. We will not make a second post in seven days to let you know that the contest is closed. We felt that the "Contest Closed"-post wasn't really fulfilling any purpose, and those who will want to participate will be aware of the deadline by looking at the time of this post anyway. (For those of you using Steempeak's front end, we will add a countdown timer to this post.)

Please be aware that late entries will not be considered. After the seven days, we will take a couple of days to decide and announce the winners. Only entries posted after this post and before the 7-day deadline will be valid entries.


1st place: 50 STEEM, 10k SPACO, 2250 PHOTO
2nd place: 30 STEEM, 6k SPACO, 1350 PHOTO
3rd place: 20 STEEM, 4k SPACO, 900 PHOTO

Apart from the prize pool, with a STEEM total of 100(!), there is a possibility that our sponsor @appreciator will upvote some of the good entries. Any such sponsored upvotes are completely at @appreciator's discretion.

Jury: @nelyp and @johan.norberg

Sponsorship: We sincerely thank @appreciator for sponsoring this contest!

So, get creative, tell all your friends, post a link in your discord servers, spread the word and share this contest in any way you think is appropriate. We have created a STEEM account specifically for this contest, so if you like the contest and want to be notified in your feed, you can give @behindthephoto a follow as well. @behindthephoto will re-steem all valid entries, so it's an easy way of following the contest and to find all the entries.

We look forward to your entry! Good luck!


Lovle way to know the background story of a photo. Good to see some real and detailed post. Hoping to see if I can make into it too...all the best👍

We hope you can make it too, @steemflow. There are six days left of this edition, so it shouldn't be a problem. :-)

@nelyp Heya, unknown and background stories and secrets are always lovely to be known!!! You seem to be really creative dear... Good luck for your future articles!!! Keep steeming and one last thing that I would really appreciate and feel good if you go through my content and give your review!!! Thanks 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome! Looking forward to the weeks photos!

So do we, @wwwiebe, so do we!

Potential to provide good exposure.

Exposure, shutter time, aperture. ;-)

This is a great contest
Am all in

i loved the idea... im not quite used to write long post in english but i will try it for this contest!

All we ask for is your best effort, it is not a language contest. :-) And as you can see from some of the other entries (and in the rules) you are more than welcome to make your entry bilingual!

hi @nelyp, I am new to#steemit, how to participate in such #contests

Hi @lalitkanoje. All the rules, and how to participate, is explained above. If there is anything you think needs clarifying, please tell us. :-)