@bellyrub gone full evil? double selling votes, self voting, trying to get 40K from users; triple dipping?

in #bellyrub7 years ago (edited)

with all the heat,he's already gone.

too late, his data is out and people got it

Now he claims he got hacked. I just have to accept my 25 sbd are gone...

Seems like everything is a fucking business around here, money machines yaiiii! People still don't get Steemit's true potential, they just see money like a killer sees Red! Sorry for saying bad words on your post.

Not everyone operates this way. More info coming soon....

I haven't lost faith darling. We're gonna change the world!

Steemit IS AN ECONOMY though. It is designed to be one. Steemit on the otherhand is a social media website. Technically, I could offer you my services as a structural engineer and we can settle our payment in SBD or STEEM, which ever we elect to at the time of our agreement. That is why the marketplace is setup, why there is a funds transfer set up and also why we have rep points. but if we look at it as a social media environment, then you have to first have zero expectation of being paid. You should be drawn ONLY to the content. if the content suck why use it, if not for its economic utility?

It's not designed to have untrustworthy scumbags operating shitposting businesses.

A free market system will always be exploited for good or bad. Bots can go either way. So if you can't code it for good or bad either, so you are left with the free market to decide. We should like @themarkymark does, spread the word so their profits are diminished, but I honestly don't think we need to at the current price of SBD.

So if you can't code it for good or bad either, so you are left with the free market to decide.

We're deciding right here and now that we don't want these type of 'services'. The SBD price only affects the buyer but not the seller. So we definitely need to do more than just sit and wait for the price to manage it.

Good to stumble upon one of your comments again btw :-)

whats up @surfermarly!!! boy I feel like I have some steemian friends now!

The way I see it right now is that people bought SBD at $1.00 (or were awarded). Now if you had to choose to cash out your SBD at $2.00 (like i did) or spend your SBD on upvotes... i think cashing out makes more sense. THEN, if you are a bot operator, you're thinking about how much you agreed to pay your delegator in SBD, and hurting thinking about it because you can sell your banked SBD at over 50% markup back into the market. So the delegators are pulling their delegated SP. This is how i see the rise in SBD hurting bots. If SBD maintains a high long enough, the bots who use delegated service will out of business quickly unless they switch their payments to STEEM, which is still relatively cheap!

Yep, that is correct. The point is, the economy can not exist without the each other. It is a symbiotic relationship between stakeholders and community members for it to have sustainable existence.

As a payment system though it is masterfully designed but then again you need balance in the ecosystem in order to survive. Basically we are dealing with human nature at the current scheme of things.

jonsnow, TONS of people feel this way and are in droves starting groups on discord, A Nihilist "who gives a rats ass as long as I get mine" attitude prevalent on this platform (not talking about this post or the people in it by the way, talking about the vibe)........it is driving some good people to make good changes on or off of this platform......lol, Discord seems to be making more content lately O.o

I feel the same way...

But this is a business indeed

Well during my early days around I got astonished by the blatant money-making schemes I see here and there.

Ultimately, I got eaten by the system and learned to face the reality. This is how things are being done. This is how the way it is.

Just like the real world, nobody has successfully managed a virgin exit from here. We are all fucked! #makesteemitgreatagain

Lol they are milking the cow while hungry bloggers dying of starvation and fatigue!

Please support my comment on @bellyrub's latest article because he's trying to hide comments from people who have read this article. In fact, he has flagged a comment in an attempt to hide what's going on.

done on all his posts

But is any of this really surprising? When you advertise this place as a money-making/get-rich-quick scheme, then reward shit bloggers, spammers, and scammers, then change protocols to allow widespread, lucrative schemes/scams to occur much more easily, it shouldn’t be surprising to see those things proliferate.

And when you have people who know nothing about Steem or the community becoming witnesses and buying/begging for approval - and getting it - it only makes things worse.

The question is: What does anyone want to actually DO about it?

Thank you! It seems you're able to read my mind.

The question is: What does anyone want to actually DO about it?

Sit and wait until anyone else does anything. Like always.

Well, you can support me as a witness - @ats-witness - and hope that I can rise high enough to make a difference. To many witnesses have been either absent or indifferent for too long. The blockchain protocols have been screwed and we’re continuing to see the undesirable effects of them.

Yet nobody acts...or even acknowledges the problems.

maybe cause some are the problem, back to my lair to let everyone live out their "Lord of the Flies" fantasy
A lot of this inspired me to write, "Five Easy Steps to Get Your Greed to Level 10"...full of life lessons on how to become exactly like the banksters everyone seemed to be fighting against then a bunch turned into what they were preaching against.
my two pesos

Voted you @ats-david as a a witness @ats-witness and set you as a proxy too. I don't know you brother. Infact I just followed you although I see you've been a long time here. I have just been here over a week. I don't know how all this fugazi works. But somehow you won my trust. I believe in you for unknown reason. More power to you brother! I have a gut feeling you're gonna do great! :)

You have my vote now.

you seem like someone who actually gives a shit, so you'll get my vote :)

I was giving a shit before giving a shit was cool.


I hope you will not end up like those witnesses who lost their faith on steemit.

Oh but "to the moooon" right? ;)
this is why I'm glad you are rising in the witness ranks as you are not an amoral narcissist and you tell it like it is......I just float around about 30 discords more than look at a lot of steemit lately and find good content and people, that is pretty sad that a gaming site has become the "go to" for issues mainly imho

maybe- in the long term - it will make all the upvoting bots redundant..... known as ponzi shceme, at some point..
i.e. only idiots would trust scammers and to give them money in the hope of a return maybe, one day , possibly.......hopefully!

Is there anyway 'we' could make any bot activity only allowable, by reputaion? - ie make it impossible if the profile rep. is over, say 45 - Impossible to upvote, comment, or post?
(or something?)

just throwing ideas out there, in the hope people more intelligent than myself, will be sparked!

Will vote for you as a witness - thanks for supporting me on some of my posts in the past.

Nice to see how it all runs behind the curtain.

I had a feeling this one was gonna go sour, please do not send any funds to @bellyrub. Nice work on this one, investigator.

Yeah. Thanks @themarkymark great investigation into bellyrub. I certainly won't be using their services.

Wow how'd you end up with a -19 reputation????

Lol, you the bad-ass man @tony10. But anyway, I'm curious to know the answer too. Haha

Kidding aside, just when I finished crafting and hit the POST button of my circle jerk entry to @berniesanders #bernieblackfriday sale only to found out the contest was no longer available.

Too bad. I ended up listening to MLTR's 25 Minutes. #makesteemitgreatagain

Holding this discussion is the right thing and it should be rewarded. Let's get this post some visibility :)

We need bot owners that own up to the responsibility of running a transparent service and I am glad to have competition in @buildawhale :)


Yea, bro @zeartul, its not too late to set things aright, you can still win everybody's heart if you aim at it honestly.
We're looking forward to it.

stay strong!

Steemit is a place for loving collaboration and that is one reason a lot of us put in everything we have to make it better. But when incidences like these become the order of the day.., you suddenly want to rethink your stand.
Weldone Mark for being as transparent as possible.