Reality Check: The True Meaning of the Second Amendment

in #benswann7 years ago

It may be the most controversial right we have as U.S. citizens: the right to keep and bear arms. The root of that controversy is in the often misunderstood intention of the Second Amendment. So what is it really about? This is a Reality Check you won’t get anywhere else.

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I've always admired Americas second Amendment and I believe it should be protected at all costs. Switzerland proves that gun ownership does not = more gun violance. The problems America is facing with mass shootings is far more complicated than the simple solution of banning guns.
Before gun ownership is looked at, American society needs to look at the violence and hatred perpetuated by the media.

I live in the UK and I remember when they clamped down on gun ownership. Almost straight away the police force became heavily armed. The establishment has the UK locked down and now its almost impossible for a revolution to happen.

Im an anarchist at heart but as we have a government, I believe a government should fear the people, not the other way around.

England is in a bad position. I sincerely worry about its future. I pray and hope Conservatives and freedom loving citizens of great Britain conjure up the courage to stand up against the tyranny of these unelected EU bullies. It's not going to be pretty either way because they have their EU army at the ready. Britain's hope for freedom will come from their Military or those who understand that they have to fight back.

Oh your not wrong about the problems we face. The future is looking so bleak for my country, I don't believe I will still be living here in five years time. British politics is very different to Americas but it's just as screwed up.

Well, to be honest, I think the UK is in a much worse position.

The conservatives (Tories) in the UK are a bunch of militant capitalists who have a long history of looking after the wealthy, removing freedoms and privacy. Our Prime Minister, Theresa May, voted to keep us in the EU but now she is in charge of BREXIT. (However, this EU business is distracting everyone from the real domestic issues.)

She is using the break away from Europe as an opportunity to introduce a portfolio of oppressive laws and legislation that will change this country and not in a good way.

Sadly, most British people are politically unaware and wouldn't know a revolution if it smacked them in the face. The British public just haven't got it in them so there is zero chance of an uprising against this capitalist cabal that control government.

Personally speaking, I don't even think the British public would rise up if they still had access to guns.

I don't have any hope left for my country. :-(

There's still a lot of good people though, may be things have to get worse before they get better; perhaps its the only way to wake people up. I'm not quitting on England just yet, I believe there's still hope.

Thanks for your video, Ben. And for ALL your activism!
I do agree with your overall position on this topic. Yes, the people have the right to protect themselves from oppression and harm in whatever form it comes. They can even dismantle their government and form a new one. That is the people's power.
You came at this from a slightly different angle than I've seen before. It was a bit fast and confusing, and could possibly have been presented more clearly, but re-watching it a couple times should clarify things for most viewers.
Upvoted 100%!

I appreciate your video on this, and showing / discussing what the actual wording is in this Amendment - too many people have misconstrued the meaning of it despite the simplicity of the words.
I do believe that no matter what it is essential for all citizens to be able to bear arms because of the general concept of "the bad guys are going to find a way to obtain guns, so the good guys may as well have guns to protect themselves and their families", plus the other thing of people hunting animals for food, and having guns for protection from wild animals on your own homestead (for those people who aren't living that grand city life - I'm being sarcastic here, I hate city life lol, would much prefer to be in the country). Anyways, thanks for discussing such an important topic, again. I'm now going through all your stuff because you've just become one of my favorites on here LOL! See ya around :)

Rights = mean I do not need to explain myself to anyone

Always enjoy your thought-provoking videos...Keep up the great work!

  1. Not "everyone was armed" in 1776: slaves, women, etc. Mostly just white people who could afford a gun.
  2. Many slave masters didn't want a federal government taking their arms. They wanted arms to protect their "property" AKA slaves. In other words, they needed to kill slaves on a regular basis to ensure the racial caste system.
  3. Supreme Court has attempted, at least twice, to re-write the meaning of the Second Amendment. We seem to allow the Supreme Court to re-write our Constitution, since they said it was OK in the 1800s.

Not "everyone was armed" in 1776

That's not the point, it's not about "everyone is armed" but about everyone having a right to be armed.

Mostly just white people who could afford a gun

Similarly, it's irrelevant whether you can or can not afford a gun, many people can't afford a megaphone, that doesn't mean they do not have the right to free speech - the point is that everybody can on an equal terms. You get a megaphone for $20, I get it for $20, whether you choose or are able to spend that money is on you.

Many slave masters didn't want a federal government taking their arms

What does that have to do with anything? The intent of the 2nd amendment is articulated very clearly by the founders (protect against a tyrannical federal government), and it has nothing to do with protecting "the property" AKA slaves or whatever, that's just race baiting and despicable tactics. Do you see everything through the lens of a race? There is a word for that you know ...

Our rights are god given and therefore unalienable. Thanks for this video, Ben. There is a lot of controversy about the second amendment and a lot of people are terribly ill informed.

Good video. I read that the first volunteers to fight against the British brought their own guns. The revolutionary army had no arsenal available to arm the volunteers. Taking guns away from citizens today woud be the exact opposite - what the British wish they had done to us!

I think the phrase, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," means ANYONE has the right to own a firearm(s) for any purpose unless it's proven he/she is a risk to others. If the US gov't wants to outlaw the ownership of firearms, it needs to prove in a court of law that every firearm owner is a risk to others, all 100+ million of them.