6 Things You Know Only If You've Been Best Friends For 10 Years

in #best7 years ago
  1. Most of your conversations involve the phrase “remember that time when…”

And 99% of the time it's something incredibly embarrassing for the other person.
"Remember that time when you vomited all over yourself at your own party? Yeah, it wasn't as bad as that."

  1. And if one of you doesn’t remember that time, shit goes down.

"How do you not remember the time we went to see Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs just because it was raining? That was a pivotal moment in our friendship."

  1. You have a full library of embarrassing anecdotes to call on at any moment.

But there are also some things you know you don't touch.
But there are also some things you know you don't touch.

  1. Including saved Myspace pictures and detailed descriptions of regrettable outfit choices.

"Remember when you didn't like skinny jeans and kept wearing those purple bootlegs for wayyyy too long?"

  1. You can be brutally honest with each other.

"Does my hair look OK?""No, wash it."

"Does my hair look OK?"
"No, wash it."

  1. But you also know exactly how to compliment them.

"I wasn't sure when you told me about your haircut, but actually it really suits your jawline."