Gravy wrestling to pea shooting – what’s the best food festival in 2021?

in #best5 years ago

From ‘knob throwing’ to downing oysters and beer in 10 seconds flat, these Olympian food events are down but not out.
At the start of the year, you probably imagined you’d be enjoying the news of gold medal achievements and personal bests from your favourite sports stars at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics this summer. You may well be missing the archery and freestyle BMX competitions, but they aren’t the only showstopping events that have had to be cancelled.

From gravy wrestling to pea shooting, these fringe food events are, like the Olympics, on hold for another year. But which one do you want to attend in 2021?

Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling on Cooper’s Hill
Despite being cancelled since 2010 for health and safety reasons, participants and spectators still turn up on the late May Bank Holiday to race against cheese.

Competitors dash from the top of a very steep hill after a large wheel of cheese, and the winner is the person who catches it.

Given the cheese is said to travel at speeds of up to 70mph, catching it on the descent is near-on impossible – which is why so many people tumble down, taking other competitors out as they go.

This year’s event was cancelled and organisers urged no-one to turn up. But on the day of competition, the master of ceremonies, Jem Wakeman, took to the hill just after sunrise and rolled down a lone 9lb double Gloucester wheel.

Secret sunrise Cheese Rolling ceremony keeps tradition alive Jem Wakeman rolled the 9lb Double Gloucester down Cooper's Hill as the sun rose over Gloucestershire and urged fans to keep away until next year