Buñuelos de Yuca

in #betterlife4 years ago

Como es es nuestra tradición en Venezuela en la Semana Santa , en la semana que se celebra la resurrección de nuestro señor Jesús Cristo, hacer dulces, en esta oportunidad me tocó hacer Buñuelos de yuca.


Los bueñuelos de yuca llevan los siguientes ingredientes:
1Kg de yuca, pelada, cocida y desvenada
1 taza de queso blanco duro para freír, cortado en trozos
1cucharada de harina de trigo multiuso
1pizca de sal
Aceite para freír
Para el melao:
tazas de papelón (panela), rayado
1/2 taza de agua
4 clavos de olor
Se amasa la yuca con el huevo, el queso,la harina y la sal, con la mano humedecida de aceite se van haciendo las bolitas para freirlas y luego se bañan con el melao que consiste en cocinar todos los ingredientes antes dicho en una olla pequeña a fuego medio hasta que agarre color y consistencia se su preferencia. Compartimos este rico dulce, unos tequeños y un dulce de lechosa en familia, compartiendo a su vez la palabra de Dios.
Son muy ricos, espero les guste la receta
Dios les Bendiga!!



As is our tradition in Venezuela in Holy Week, in the week that the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated, making sweets, this time I had to make yucca fritters.
The cassava bueñuelos have the following ingredients:
1kg of cassava, peeled, cooked and deveined
1 cup hard white cheese for frying, cut into chunks
1 egg
1 tablespoon all-purpose wheat flour
1 pinch of salt
Oil for frying
For the melao:
paper cups (panela), lined
1/2 cup of water
4 cloves
The yucca is kneaded with the egg, the cheese, the flour and the salt, with the hand moistened with oil, the balls are made to fry them and then they are bathed with the melao that consists of cooking all the ingredients before said in a small pot over medium heat until it takes on color and consistency of your preference. We share this delicious sweet, some tequeños and a milky sweet as a family, sharing in turn the word of God.
They are very rich, I hope you like the recipe
God bless you!!
As is our tradition in Venezuela in Holy Week, in the week that the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is celebrated, making sweets, this time I had to make yucca fritters.
The cassava bueñuelos have the following ingredients:
1kg of cassava, peeled, cooked and deveined
1 cup hard white cheese for frying, cut into chunks
1 egg
1 tablespoon all-purpose wheat flour
1 pinch of salt
Oil for frying
For the melao:
paper cups (panela), lined
1/2 cup of water
4 cloves
The yucca is kneaded with the egg, the cheese, the flour and the salt, with the hand moistened with oil, the balls are made to fry them and then they are bathed with the melao that consists of cooking all the ingredients before said in a small pot over medium heat until it takes on color and consistency of your preference. We share this delicious sweet and some tequeños as a family, sharing in turn the word of God.
They are very rich, I hope you like the recipe
God bless you !!