The Diary Game: Surviving A Long Distance Relationship (First Entry)

in #betterlife4 years ago (edited)


They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and while others may disagree with that, people like me who have hopelessly fallen for our partners so far away can only agree painfully. 💔

I try to journal and keep records on the daily. I quite like scrapbooking and thought I could keep this up as I cope with being far away from my fiance because of covid. Some days I'm fine, but some are harder than the others.

But life doesn’t stop for anyone and whatever adversity may come, one must do their darnest to make it better. Sure, being sad is okay and feeling tired is understandable, but as adults, there are many things in our life that can’t be paused in any way. For instance, a 9-5 job, bills to pay, house to clean, and much more. Life really has no mercy for us adults. 😤

So how can someone get back on their feet after a bad day? I gotta tell you, it’s tough, but we all know it’s not impossible. For me, I start the day with a warm cup of chocolate (I have low blood sugar, it helps), then I catch up on some missed work and read emails. After a while, I organize my tasks at work for the day, get some training gear on and work out. Then I shower and get ready to work. 👊


I know, it seems boring and almost grueling, but I remind myself that I’m doing all this for myself and for my future. Our choices today can affect our future massively and so we must do our best. When this pandemic ends, my love and I will be reunited once more and time will flow normally, once again.

Things will get better! Hope you’re all staying safe wherever you are! 💕


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