BEXAM: The generation 2.0 of Blockchain with DAG/Hybrid platform and Bexam Exchange

in #bexam6 years ago


Much the same as water, food or whatever other fundamental ware which man can't live without, Data has created to end up an imperative device important for our reality and its economy to flourish. Real associations around the world today depend on data to run its day by day exercises and create incomes.

Contrasted with some other real market today, the worldwide data advertise has contributed tremendously to the worldwide financial security with this real industry producing a challenging figure of over 42Billion US dollars in 2018. With this ongoing measurements simply being communicated as a hint of a greater challenge, specialists overview has recommended that this staggering figure will just triple inside the following decade. Source.

With much accentuation being laid on how much data and its administration impacts real exercises in our present reality, it is anyway vital to observe the significant bottlenecks shaking this immense industry.

Our regularly creating world and its mission to accomplish a dimension of mechanical matchless quality has made the creation, handling and appropriation of data a first class assignment significantly conveyed by driving associations the globe.

In any case, the significant mis-the executives of these data is one of the issue shaking this multi-billion dollar advertise.

The following is a review of some genuine situations and measurements plainly appearing unfriendly impact of data bungle:

In 2006, A database containing touchy individual data on 26.5 million veterans which had a place with the Department of Veterans Affairs was stolen. In under 3months, the office got reports of over a thousand demise dangers and kidnapping of a few VA individuals prompting the loss of a huge number of dollars. Source

Gemalto Breach Level Index, uncovered that over 2.6 billion records were stolen, lost or uncovered all around in 2017, this detail plainly demonstrates a 88% expansion from 2016. Source

IBM records demonstrated that Hackers stole or traded off an expected $27BN (£20.2BN) worth of records from organizations in 2017. Source

As indicated by late study, mis-oversaw data cost the United States around $3.1 trillion dollars every year.

These fascinating audit recorded above significantly focuses at one clear certainty; the present data emergency shaking our reality has developed to end up a noteworthy concern.

The developing need to understand the significant data emergency shaking our reality prompted the presentation of Blockchain Technology. While this cutting edge type of innovation can give enduring answer for the issues of security ruptures by making a decentralized eco-system where quality data the executives should be possible easily, Blockchain nonetheless, is lingering behind in the part of speed and adaptability.

INTRODUCING BEXAM: A Blockchain/DAG-Powered Effective Data-the board Solution


Bexam is a cutting edge platform that influences blockchain/DAG innovation to give a super-anchored and proficient eco-system for data the board with no bargain on speed and adaptability.

Bexam goes past the customary to give additional standard administrations to organizations from various fields of life.

With a super-prepared platform running on an easy to understand interface working with first rate security given by blockchain, lightning jolt speed assessed at 0.2 second square time being utilized through a multi-staged calculation called the Proof of Round (PoR) and ideal adaptability given by Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), Bexam can give a full bundle of answer for our current data the executives emergency.

What Makes Bexam Stand-Out Among Others?

First rate Security:

With Security being one of the best element on Bexam's plan, clients are guaranteed of the most present day type of security convention went for giving the best protection to their data wellbeing.

Bexam have set up a KYC check process essential for each person on the Bexam centralized server . This exceptional check process will enable wave to any vindictive endeavor planned on the platform by promptly recognizing such people and avoiding potential risk to guarantee the Bexam eco-system is free from hacks and different malevolent exercises.

Lightning Speed and Scalability:

By utilizing an accord building calculation called Proof of Round PoR just as an advanced boosted hub handler; the Directed AcyclIc Graph DAG, Bexam can give lightning rate and adaptability to the system.

PoR offers enduring answers for serious issues being experienced while working with existing conventions some of which incorporates: moderate blocktime, low exchange speed and poor versatility.

PoR is be that as it may, ready to give high exchange speed, ideal versatility just as quick square time without trading off decency in its example of data age and dispersion.

DAG all alone part builds the quantity of data transmitting hubs in each layer subsequently making an increasingly proficient eco-system.

Low Energy Consumption:

Considering the substantial measure of hubs Bexam is going to utilize; Mega hubs and Super hubs, you may think about how much vitality will be required to power such expansive measure of hubs. Not at all like other ordinary blockchain fueled platform, Bexam's vitality prerequisite is significantly low contrasted with its evaluated execution rate. The hubs will just requires negligible PC

details so as to run productively

Bexam's Mega-Plan to Transform Businesses

It's is an unmistakable truth that real business adventures just as best enterprises in our present reality put best need on data security and responsibility.

Real key players in the data business like Yahoo, Facebook, Oracle, Google to make reference to a couple, have been casualties of security ruptures and hacks before and much of the time, these best firms lose enormous measure of benefit because of this circumstance.

The significance of security to enter players in the business can't be overemphasized. Bexam anyway knows about this reality, that is the reason they've deviced a uber plan significantly for best organizations who mean to receive blockchain innovation. The statement "you can't eat your cake and have it back" doesn't have any significant bearing for this situation on the grounds that while receiving blockchain innovation, the issue of speed and versatility has been dealt with by Bexam.

Bexam's hub structure is additionally particularly intended to guarantee simple and advantageous exchange from the current database system to blockchain based system with no data misfortune. Bexam additionally gives an adaptable bind structure to oblige each client regardless of their advantage or inclination.

Bexam's plan will cut over each industry conveying answers for all part of life running from medicinal services, farming, vitality, data and correspondence, gaming, long range interpersonal communication, quality overview and a mess of others. Bexam has got you secured.

The BXA Token

A remarkable token has been given by the Bexam Team which will fill in as a noteworthy fuel to the platform. The BXA token is an uncommon token which has been unconventionally made exclusively with the point of encouraging exchanges on the Bexam eco-system.

The BXA token isn't only a conventional cryptocurrency made to run the Bexam platform, it will unmistakable fill in as an utility token with different key capacities on the platform.

The BXA Token key capacities:

In spite of the fact that clients will be at freedom to pick their favored installment strategy on the Bexam platform. In view of their inclination the fiat installment system or the BXA token system will be the significant alternatives through which clients can encourage exchanges. The BXA token notwithstanding, will draw in an attractive markdown of 10% set on each exchange.

I will also like to let you know that BEXAM is a blockchain based platform that introduces DLT technology so that businesses can take advantage of both worlds without having to sacrifice anything. Conventional systems are centralized which exposes them to both external and internal attacks. To circumvent this vulnerability, businesses and institutions are forced to incur costs with the aim of protecting their assets. Even with these expensive measures in place, reports have shown that hackers are still able to get into the systems and cause damage by steal or tampering with data and systems. It is on this ground the Bexam project emerged to proffer solution to this lingering problems.

Most businesses have realized the disruptive nature of the blockchain and are desperately looking for solutions that will match their needs to the current offerings by DLT solutions. BEXAM claims to have found the solution: a hybrid blockchain/DAG structural solution that offers the best of both centralized and decentralized worlds. The solution is a system that provides the following benefits:

A stress-free user experience. High speeds and scalability improves the quality and performance of daily operations.

Cross-platform operations. This enables a wide range of business use cases.

Immutability. The network is cryptographically secured, thus providing superior integrity.

Fraud security. Multiple layers within the distributed protocol protect the network against malicious acts, both internally and externally.

Perfect performance. With ZERO downtime, operations are never interrupted and are ceaseless.

Operational cost reductions.


The most important feature that defines BEXAM and differentiates it from the rest of the enterprise blockchain solutions is the use of a novel consensus algorithm called Proof of Rounds (PoR). PoR, developed by BEXAM partner Early Works Co. Ltd., combines a flexible chain structure and a node hierarchy to achieve unseen speeds and scalability. BEXAM claims +to reach speeds as high as 0.2 seconds block generation times. On top of this, BEXAM is capable of handling as many as 40,000,000 transactions per second.

PoR gets rid of the resource-intensive PoW consensus algorithm that most DLT networks including Bitcoin and Ethereum use which sacrifices speed and scalability for security. PoR makes use of a node hierarchy and role sharing to enable fast block generation speeds.

BEXAM’s system is scalable meaning that it could be used by both small-scale enterprises as well as multinational corporations without sacrificing network speeds. This is achievable through the utilization of three features as explained by BEXAM:

Approval of transactions by permutations

Optimization of processes by assigning roles using a node hierarchy

Construction of a unique network that distributes information efficiently

BEXAM Cryptocurrency Exchange

BEXAM is not just launching a platform that targets enterprises and institutions but is taking this a step further and actually applying the technology themselves. BEXAM will be launching a cryptocurrency exchange that utilizes first hand this proposed PoR consensus algorithm. On top of this BEXAM Exchange will take particular attention to security features implementing up to three security layers to avoid any security incidents. These features include a Wallet Node Impersonation feature, Connection Port Barriers, and Unspecified IP Addresses. Together these features work to bolster the security of the exchange.

To increase liquidity, BEXAM Exchange will offer up to 50% discounts on transaction fees for users who choose to pay fees through BXA tokens. On top of this, node operators will require a lockup of certain amounts similar to staking amounts. For instance, to operate a master node, one will be required to stake 500,000 BXA tokens while a SuperNode will demand less at about 100,000 tokens.


BEXAM has the following use cases:

Transaction fee payment

Forming enterprise PoR networks

Master Node and Super Node staking and rewarding


BEXAM is currently selling its tokens to private investors but has scheduled a public sale in the form of an Initial Exchange offering (IEO) whose date is yet to be unveiled. Here are some of the available token metrics:

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 BXA (1 Billion BXA)

Price: 0.12 USD

Soft cap: 2,500,000 USD (2.5 Million USD)

Hard cap: 16,000,000 USD (16 Million USD)

Accepted currency: BTC

Token Distribution

Marketing: 20%

Token sale: 15%

System Reserve: 20%

Founders and Partners: 15%

Operational Reserve: 30%

Token Allocation

Systems Development: 35%

Sales, Marketing and Growth: 35%

General Administration: 10%

Legal: 10%

Network Operation: 5%

Other: 5%

The Bexam Team



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