Julian Assange needs everyone's protection: Here's how we might be able to help

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I like this fella. It's got nothing to do with the hillary-trump thing either. He's been a steadfast whistleblower regarding the hard truths about American imperialism globally since he started Wikileaks.


I've always believed that it would get to the point of requiring sousvellence gear for us plebs. Well, I guess Julian is the first pleb now, because I figure he could use this. We will rig up a system that reports his okay-ness every _ minutes. That is, if he's alright with that. If he is, it will increase the attention wikileaks is getting by highlighting the very real danger he's in.

if you're a principled info-anarchist type, guess what?

Crazy guy in photo above?

That could be



So, what we're looking for people is a smartwatch that has one of those heart-monitor-thingies. I do not know which one to buy. Maybe an android smartwatch with a 3g chip. Assange himself recognizes that he's in danger. I want him to have a panic button that alerts the entire motherfucking web. This post isn't to raise money for the smartwatch, I have some money. This post is merely to get from the steem community the right model-- I prefer cheap but really who gives a fuck in the end?

(Prefer cheap, also because I can customize the software for most of the "cheap" android smartwatches. I cannot do that for the proprietary (read: qualcomm-based) smartwatches. Anyway, I don't know what the right doohickey is to purchase. I realize that it might not actually give him any advantage he doesn't already have. But suppose for ten seconds that it did. Would it be worth 20-70GBP? 150GBP?

Well, it would be to me, anyway.

I'll do this with or without ya steemit, but I'd really like the opinions of people who've used "smart bands" and "smart watches". I haven't.

That's all I've got to say about this one. Please help me to identify the right software, and ensure that the software will run on the hardware. For mediatek chipsets I can build clean android.

PS: Here's why I had this idea:

....a cursory googling did not reveal to me weather the hero of the hour was actually alive or dead. Not kosher, seeing as we all stand to gain from this man's continuing to have a pulse....

Image From Wired Magazine
Screenshots from Amazon.co.uk and Google.com

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And please remember that I promoted this post so that I could get your advice on how to design a very safe solution for Mr. Assange. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.


I'm looking for volunteers interested in supporting wikileaks on steem by contributing posts for @steemleak to publish exclusively , with all funds received being donated to wikileaks .

I can offer a small reward fund for contributors, as well as some other perks - please see this thread for more information , and join #steemleak on steemit.chat for assistance and (optional) post ideas.

This is a great opportunity for undiscovered steemians !

~ @ausbitbank ~

buddy i have some ideas for helping you. just taking time to build the tools we need. ;)
thank @faddat for a LOT of that part. out of all the people I have worked with and helped over the years, very few have given back as much as @faddat. And because of this, I and you and others will have the tools we need to at least START fighting back in a way that will scare the shit out of the status quo elite.

I wholeheartedly endorse this message.

Muchos gracias for the article, Senor.

Pilger is a BIG supporter of Assange - they are fellow Aussies!

He says he has a dead man's switch.

Prefer he doesn't need to use it.

No joke, man.

Great post @faddat. I appreciate you seeking this as a method of keeping the public informed. Assange is a very important figure in this game of blowing the wistle and his safety should be a great concer. To "the people" of this world.

If we can save his hearts beat on the blockchain every everytime it hashes we have a record that might as well be written in stone.

At least until an emp attack.

I'd like to do this for snowden as well. Let us know what you come up with....


Terrible shitty thing here:

I think that I way underestimated the shit-sea that Mr. Assange is swimming in currently. Please understand how deep of a shit-sea he's in: SO in the 1990s Assange wrote a software program called rubber hose filesystem. It's an encrypted filesystem designed specifically for torture resistance.

Now, everything could be just fine. That said, with not a peep from Camp Assange, and widespread mobile proliferation, I 've got to assume something is seriously, beyond-smartwatch boned.

Which really sucks, and probably should have been apparent to me when I wrote this story. Do you have any ideas on how to aid our favorite men with targets painted on their backs?

Great idea I too find it hard to find current posts. I mean I can go to wikileaks. But I like to hear intelligent comments to go along with recent release. Maybe lazy too. But that's how I roll

Yes, much respected, but what happened in Sweden, you can't go around bothering woman.

Indeed, @rubellitefae is correct. This is going to sound kinda fucked up but any time a person does something controversial AF, and suddenly is accused of sexual crimes without a shred of evidence, well.... It's a pretty tried-and-true intelligence / manipulation tactic-- and look-- it worked in Assange's case, and is still working today!

When they want you they want you and they get you.... put on a tracking device won't help him. Staying put is his best bet. They have already tried some funny stuff where he is at now but they couldn't pull it off. Had he been out and about he probably wouldn't be alive.

That's true. I wrote a story on that, as well.

(the funny stuff)

This was a character assassination campaign. It's been proven.

I have always held him in high regard but have lost a lot a respect for him as his ego and his hatred for the Clintons (as deserved as it may be) has in my opinion clouded his judgement. Fine, release the Clinton emails, but on the precipice of a possible cliff known as a Trump presidency, if he really cared about truth, release Trumps tax returns. I'm sure the IRS is easier to crack than the White House, or DoD or even the CIA. Why hasn't he? In my opinion because his ego and grudge against the granted corrupt Clinton's has clouded his judgement. Edward Snowden is a patriot. I used to think Assange was a truth seeker, but now, I don't what to believe of him. Sure the possible rape allegations are quite possibly a diversionary tactic, but as it is a horrific crime, I say let it play out in a court of law. But to only be hacking away at the Clinton's, and timing his releases for the greatest impact to effect the election, i call BS, and either Trump or Russia paid him, or his ego is more important than truth. Otherwise, why not release connections of Trump/Putin, or how about some KGB documents proving how Putin has systematically destroyed and murdered his opposition? For these reasons, i will defend his right whistleblow, but not his methods or motivations. He has lost most of my respect. But i hear where you are coming from...

I know nothing of his methods or his motivations. I just know he is a guy in a shit spot.

"but on the precipice of a possible cliff known as a Trump presidency, if he really cared about truth, release Trumps tax returns"
--Don't buy into the clown show. One is every bit as bad as the other.

I would love to see Mr. Assange make his way to steemit.


I'm sure all he needs is a recommendation and a red carpet

If he uses the steemit chain to archive leaks then they can't be taken down or censored in any way seems like an obvious solution. to beating censorship. but what do I know?

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