
Me too. It's hard being a minnow. And, finding an audience is a challenge. I'm just following everybody for now and hoping my posts are at least entertaining.

I have done the same thing as you are doing now, and what I have missed out was: engagement! That's very important!

Can you share a little more? What does engagement mean? Seems my posts disappear in the continuous feed and few folks read, even fewer vote. I'm not giving up but, I'm wondering how to get folks to engage....
Can you help a tiny minnow?
smiling. J.

I have left you a comment on your last post. Do you promote your posts? Are you read other people's work and comment? Try to connect with the people you want to follow or to follow you!

Thanks for your reply. I do comment and upvote. I will keep on trying. :)
My challenge is I am teaching myself how to write. That means I spend a lot of time just writing short stories. I'm wondering of people still enjoy reading them or, maybe I should just stick to simpler stuff. Posting funny pictures etc.
What do you think?
And thanks for taking the time to chat with me. I really appreciate it....

I'm sure you will, and maybe you will find it even faster that you expected!