How can you really, honestly vote for Joe Biden?

in #biden5 months ago

I realize that politics are out of control and SouthPark once again predicted the future with a giant douche being vs. a turd sandwich. But seriously..... is anyone out there honestly confident that Joe Biden is a good choice for president?

The system is messed up, horribly. They decide what our choices are and then we have to vote for one of those two people when in all honesty there are a lot of people that are much better qualified for the position than the ones that they put in front of us..... but honestly.... is there anyone that thinks that Joe Biden is a good choice?


You don't have to look for very long to fine embarrassing moments for Joe because it is basically all of his moments. He is just not all there. I'm not saying that the opposition is tremendously better.... Actually let me take that back. The opposition IS tremendously better, by a long ways. Trump is by no means a guy that people would have Regan or Bill Clinton levels of confidence in but Biden.... Biden is just moronic.

There has never been a time in my life when I looked at any world leader, and especially the leader of the United States that they often refer to as "the leader of the free world" and thought that there was no one driving the car. Joe Biden is not there.... he has no intellect despite the fact that you better friggin believe that they do all that they can to protect him and put him in only situations where he can't possibly screw it up.


I get it ok... there are instances with any US president where things can be taken out of context or even left in context and the man can be made to look stupid depending on the spin but now.... we have a guy that has difficulty standing upright, frequently doesn't know where he is, and any crowd that is in front of him ... well the enthusiasm is obviously staged.

This guy is an embarrassment. He definitely isn't making choices for the direction of the country or the world on his own but there are still a lot of people that say that they will vote for him.

I think the democrat party could substitute literally anyone into his position and it would be an improvement over what it is that we are dealing with now. Even Kamala could do better than this.

Politics are messed up, that much is for certain. But at this point I feel as thought the people that truly run the world are just screwing around with us at this point. There is not a sane individual on the planet that are going to look at this dope and be like "yeah, that's the guy that should be in charge."

If you think you can then please do tell me, and do it without mentioning Trump's name. This guy has zero redeeming qualities. Zero!