On death row.

in #biden3 months ago


Before anyone is tempted to explain the rationale behind abolishing the death penalty to me: stop. I already know the arguments and generally agree with them. I understand full well why the death penalty should be abolished.

Joe Biden did not just abolish the death penalty. He did not just commute the sentences of everyone on federal death row. He picked among the federal death row inmates as to who would live and who would die. The methodology he chose was that everyone whose crimes (and victims) were not nationally famous lives... anyone whose crimes (and victims) were nationally publicized, remains on death row.

I am watching progressives cheer this move, and I want you to understand why everyone else thinks you are as bloodthirsty as the meanest MAGA on their meanest day.

I watched as most of you looked with glee at the execution of an insurance executive, and didn't agree with you, but I understood the level of frustration that might lead one, in their worst moment, to lack much empathy. I think you are wrong to cheer executions in the street, but I understand the frustration that could drive an otherwise decent person to that point.

Does the brutal rape of women not elicit your sympathy and drive you to frustration? Does the unending abuse and murder of women and the hands of violent men not merit at LEAST the same level of frustration that insurance does? Does the murder of children at the hands of violent men not elicit at least equal outrage?

One of the men whose sentences Biden commuted killed a woman and her 11 month old infant daughter. The mother was going to testify against him for rape.

They offered to take the death penalty off the table if he helped them find infant's body, but he refused.

The man is suspected of killing four others whose bodies have never been found.

Biden commuted this man's sentence in order to spare his life. I encourage you to go read about the case. There is little doubt that he committed the horrific crimes of which he is committed, as well as others for which he was never charged.

And you claim some moral high-ground to celebrate that this man will live??

If you celebrate the execution of an executive in the street and simultaneously celebrate that a man guilty of the most grotesque violence against women and children has been singled out to live, and if you think your politics or your moral sense or your religion or any other grotesque justification merits holding both of those positions simultaneously, you are too bloodthirsty to be my friend. I don't care how long I've known you, I don't care how close we are... if you cheer because an CEO was executed in the street and also cheer because the perpetrator of grotesque violence against women and children has been hand-picked to live, go away, never come back, I never want to hear from you ever again.

Biden did this to those bereaved families two days before Christmas. Merry Christmas, I guess.