Importance of exchange platform’s currencies in CryptoGame

in #binance7 years ago (edited)

Why are they important?

Because they make you earn money !
Even if the form of gain is not always the same, you will get some benefits.

What kind of benefits are these?

For the moment there are 2 major types of advantages, namely fee reductions and dividends, but some also give you early access to information or software like the Napoleonx’s $NPX which gives access to a trading bot in addition to some dividends.

Most common one is when you trade on a platform, and own the platform currency, you get discounts on all your transactions. For example, Binance offers up to 50% less fees if you agree to pay them in $BNB, its currency. If for those who make few transactions the gain will not be very significant, even if there is no small economy… For those with large trading volumes the gain could be substantial!

The second, obviously the most interesting is rarer, we’re talking about dividends.

Currently Kucoin and are to my knowledge the platforms offering the rates the most advantageous, with a weekly payment of 50% of the total costs generated on their platform, distributed among all holders of their currency, ($KCS for Kucoin and $COSS for up to the quantity held.

Calculators to estimate your earnings based on the number of coins you own are available here for Kucoin and there for

Why do you have to eat all the racks?

Simply because you have to take the free money where it is!
If 100,000 people give you $1 you have $100K, it’s not nothing, and yet you’ve only raised ridiculous sums, right?

In CryptoGame you have the chance to see this scenario happen quite easily so why deprive yourself?
Trading platforms are essential because without them no trade, but without customers no money for them it is a virtuous circle where we all need each other to make profit.

Today the competition is already raging within these platforms, and tomorrow will be even worse with the mass arrival of decentralized platforms, so they all have every interest to do to retain you right now, and that’s why they are ready to pay you back some of their earnings, so enjoy!

It does not matter whether the amounts are small or not as long as the gains are recurring, it’s money you can re-invest later.


Watch for ICOs of new platforms entering the market, read their whitepaper to see if they have a homemade currency and what are the advantages if any.

Keep in mind that when everything goes wrong and the market is red,

it’s not necessarily red those platforms which continue to make profits, certainly less, but still profits where almost everyone loses money.

Stay tuned !



Check this game out, look close with an open mind with what this new concept is doing with open source Ethereum ERC-20 smart contracts, decentralized exchange and passive income. The game is on it's way to passing the crypto kitties game on the Dapp Radar. The smart contract is coded to tax 10% of the ETH. when users purchase the (P)roof (O)f (W)eak (H)ands tokens and divides the ETH. tax to people who are already holding and also 10% of when users sell “20% total”. The name of the game is to hold as long as you can while you get earnings from the constantly taxed “Strong hand” buys and the taxed “weak hand” sells. If you don’t want to play anymore, you can pull out all your earnings all at once but with a 10% tax fee that gets divided to the stronger hands. This is what the ERC-20 smart contract is programed to do. Doesn’t hurt to look at the contracts open source code at least, don’t let the opportunity pass you by.