Pedophiles predators and Groomers

Vancouver police file number VA24-100392. This file number is for the sexual assault by Mher the Armenian that took place on May 20 2024.

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The Armenian groomer Mher+1 (604) 841-6530 , (photo attached) said he is a hair stylist and live in North Burnaby and then at one point he said North Vancouver. He was driving a Black Tesla.

I report Mher, that videotaped himself sexually assaulting me on Monday 16 May 2024, the Victoria Day long weeknd. In the video you can hear me saying no! Mher is tied to the Mechanic Peter Schuloff and Javier, who also assaulted me in the same manner . Whom I already have a police file number for.

However, I was not give a seperate police file number for Mher. I needed a seperate police file for Mher, to add to my file dossier of assaults. These are calculated and deliberate assaults.

Mher is also tied to Alayah Mohammed Thomas Khan, that went to Vietnam in September 2023 with the stolen monies from my Simplii and CIBC accounts. This is directly tied to Ronald Chimba, that was the manager at Ancora restaurant in July 2021. Ronald Chimba now has a business called the Moving Maniacs ( which was funded with the stolen monies.
These are the individuals that stole my ID Papers and credentials here in BC. in Ontario Shannon Neill-Sword is behind the theft of my degrees from the Mississauga apartment in Battleford Road, the documents were used to make the Nigerian prostitute Patricia a professor at the University of Toronto.

I am waiting for the British, American and Canadian government to publicly clearly my name. The RCMp need to cooperate with the Cyprus Police.