Who is Albert Einstein?

in #bio7 years ago


 Albert Einstein, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, is the most influential in the 20th century. He is credited with developing my theories of general and specific relativity.

About Albert Einstein

Born in the German city of Ulm in 1879, he was intrigued by the analysis of his theory of general relativity. He was one of the most influential physicists of the 20th century and his role played a major role in the development of atomic energy.He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his interpretation of the photoelectric effect, emigrated in the following decade to the United States after death threats he received from the Nazis.Einstein died on April 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey, and retained his brain at the Princeton University Medical Center. 


The beginnings of Albert Einstein

Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in Ulm, Germany, and grew up in a secular Jewish family. His father Hermann Einstein was an engineer and a salesman founded with his brother a company in Munich for the manufacture of electrical equipment.He studied elementary in Munich but did not adapt to the rigid teaching system, which made him more alienated. Einstein also suffered from speech difficulties. In contrast, he was passionate about classical music and learned violin. Curiosity and curiosity remained the most important characteristic of Einstein in his youth.By the end of the 1880s, Polish medicine student Max Talmod, who sometimes ate with the Einstein family, became his mentor. He gave him a scientific handbook for children that inspired Einstein to pay attention to the nature of light. During his teenage years he formulated what would be his first scientific paper, In the case of ether in magnetic fields. "Hermann Einstein moved with his family to Milan in Italy after losing his son Albert to his relatives in Munich to complete his studies. After Albert reached the age of military service, he used medical reports claiming he had neurological problems to join his family in Italy. He did not complete his studies.Einstein received admission at the Swiss Federal Institute of Applied Arts because of his high marks in mathematics and physics in the entrance examination, but he completed his secondary education before entering the Institute. At the turn of the 20th century, Einstein gave up German citizenship to acquire Swiss citizenship.

The Achievements of Albert Einstein

During his work at the Patent Office, Einstein had time to expand upon his ideas that he was thinking while studying and to reinforce his theories about what was later known as the theory of relativity.In 1905, Einstein published four papers in Annalen der Physik, one of the most famous physical journals. These papers focused on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, relativity theory and the relationship between matter and energy, which opened up new horizons in the physics world. In his fourth paper, Einstein reached the famous relationship E = mc2 (energy = mass in the square of the speed of light) suggesting that small molecules of matter could be converted to enormous energy, which was the beginning of the evolution of atomic energy.The famous quantum physicist Max Planck supported the theories of Einstein, who became famous in the scientific world and later became director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics between 1913-1933.In 1915 Einstein completed the general theory of relativity, which he considered the culmination of his research life, allowing for a more accurate interpretation and prediction of the orbits of planets around the sun and how gravitational forces worked. These hypotheses were confirmed by observations and measurements by British astronomers Sir Frank Dyson and Sir Arthur Eddington during the solar eclipse 1919 Thus the world witnessed the recognition of Einstein as a scientific icon.In 1921 Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics - but he did not receive it until the following year due to some bureaucratic matters - and because his ideas on relativity were still in question, the prize earned him for his interpretation of the photoelectric effect.While working to develop general relativity, Einstein came to the hypothesis that the universe was in a steady state, a hypothesis he later objected to, saying the universe could be expanding, confirmed astronomer Edwin Hubble when Einstein met at the Mount Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles in 1930.While Einstein was traveling on his theories, the Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler gained influence in Germany, relying on inflammatory propaganda and violence and benefiting from the state of frustration in the country after the loss of World War I. The Nazi Party influenced many scientists who called Einstein's work "Physics Jewish "incitement led to the expulsion of Jewish citizens from universities and government positions until Einstein himself was the target of murder.In 1933, Einstein took up a post at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, where he spent the rest of his life and never returned to his native land. Many European scientists emigrated to the United States to escape the Nazi threat to Europe and began to worry about the Nazis' pursuit of nuclear weapons.In 1939, Einstein and his physicist friend Leo Zillard wrote a letter to US President Franklin Roosevelt warning him of Nazi Germany's pursuit of a nuclear bomb and the United States to acquire nuclear weapons, prompting the United States to start the Manhattan project. Although Einstein did not participate directly in This project, given its antagonism to the wars, was the most likely to approach and question the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its director, Edgar Hoover.It did not take long for Einstein to broadcast his fame in the United States and to succeed, which ensured him permanent residence in the country and nationality later, and contributed during World War II financial contributions to the US Navy by selling manuscripts worth millions by auction.After the use of the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima, Einstein became a major player in trying to reduce the use of nuclear bombs. The following year he and Zelader formed the Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists. In 1947, the Atlantic published an article in which he worked with the United Nations to make nuclear weapons a deterrent weapon Especially during crises.During this time, Einstein became a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Color Palms, where he saw the similarity between the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany and African Americans in the United States, calling for racial discrimination in a speech at Lincoln University in 1946.After the war, Einstein devoted his work to the basic subjects of the theory of relativity, such as worm holes, the possibility of time travel, the presence of black holes, the formation of the universe, which isolated him from the community of physicists who were preoccupied with quantum physics. During the last decade of his life Einstein completely withdrew from the spotlight preferring to stay at Princeton and work with his colleagues only.

The most famous words of Albert Einstein

We can not solve problems in the same way that it created them.
Only two things are boundless, the universe and the stupidity of man, and I am not sure about the latter.
Try not to become a successful person, but a valuable person.
True intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
We can not solve problems in the same way that it created them.
Only two things are boundless, the universe and the stupidity of man, and I am not sure about the latter.
Try not to become a successful person, but a valuable person.
True intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.


Albert Einstein's personal life

While studying in Zurich, Einstein met his future wife Melina Maric, a Serbian physics student. His parents opposed their relationship because of their ethnic origins, but Einstein continued with her and in 1902 produced their daughter, Lesriel. In the course of this, Einstein faced difficulties after graduating from the Institute of Applied to find academic positions because some teachers were displeased him because he would prefer to learn alone to attend classes and lectures.Einstein eventually obtained a job as a Swiss Patent Office employee in 1902. After his father's death he married Melina in 1903 and Enga Hans and Edward. The marriage ended in divorce in 1919. As part of the settlement, Einstein pledged to give Melina the money he received from any possible win Nobel Prize.Einstein then began a relationship with his cousin Elsa Loventhal and later married her, but he continued to see other women and ended his second marriage by the death of his wife in 1936.

Death of Albert Einstein

On April 17, 1955, Einstein suffered from aneurysms and entered the Princeton Medical Center but refused to perform the surgery believing that he had lived his life and had to accept it. "I want to die when I decide," he said. "I have played a role in life. Artificial, so I will go with elegance. "Einstein died on April 18, 1955 at the age of 76 years. During his autopsy, Thomas Harvey removed Einstein's brain without his family's permission for neuroscientists to study, and after decades of brain-keeping at the Princeton Medical Center. Einstein's body was burned and his ashes scattered in an unknown area based on his will.

Quick facts about Albert Einstein

  • He was a skillful violin player.
  • He loved sailing and driving boats.
  • He hated to wear socks heavily.
  • He was offered to become president of Israel, but he refused.