FungiNation !!!

La vida del biólogo.
Ir por el bosque, colectando, muestreando, contando, respirando y hasta bailando.
Es necesario, SIEMPRE, observar.
De repente, me detengo y ¡OH! hermoso hongo, es necesario que el mundo entero te vea, te conozca, vea tu belleza y, además, agradezca tu trabajo ecológico.
Te amé.
The life of the biologist.
Go through the forest, collecting, counting, breathing and even dancing.
It is necessary, ALWAYS, observe.
Suddenly, I stop and OH! beautiful mushroom, it is necessary that the whole world sees you, knows you, sees your beauty and, in addition, appreciates your ecological work.
I loved you.
Photography taken with my smartphone Xiomi
JAJAJA ¡que lindo! Eso es lo máximo