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RE: The Storyteller: Black Footed Ferret

in #biology6 years ago

Haha I believe this story!
I used to have pet ferrets, and they are some fun and interesting creatures!
My first one was most memorable. He was out playing one day, under the couch, not long after I brought him home. He didnt have a name yet. He was running around and playing, and unfortunately, my husband was laying on the floor, next said couch. The ferret ran out from under the couch and gave my husband a good chomp right on the family jewels!
My husband was less than amused, but I was laughing and laughing, and I then named the ferret Crunchy. :D
Looking back, I realize what a nice husband I have, that he didnt fling the Crunchy out the window....


Crunchy? Ohhhhh that makes me flinch! I clearly had one headed that direction and glad he got distracted.

Bah ha ha!
Im lucky to still have a husband I think... He's put up with a lot of things on my account. But then again, so have I. That's marriage though. ;)