Bitcoin will be "Masonic" persecute it?

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Some netizens pointed out that some "expose Zhao Wei," the post, even cleared a total group of seedlings posts deleted for no reason, users suspected Vicki mysterious force behind the amazing, Ma, Robin Li, Baidu and Sina Weibo has helped Vicki delete posts motivation, which shares a mysterious force perhaps from a secret organization "Freemasons."

Some people think that just ignorant masses Masonic conspiracy theory fabricated, conspiracy theorists believe: there is such a mysterious and powerful organization in the world, which led the American War of Independence, and ideological control of the mainstream media in Europe and America, the issue of the dollar shareholders Fed is behind it, the Nobel Prize, the United Nations and major international organizations, it can be controlled, various American presidents are mostly its members, is not a member of the Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated it ...... in short, the whole world in its under the clutches. I do not like to beat him to death conspiracy theories, conspiracy theory only appearance, and conflicting interests behind the conspiracy theories can often see the world more conducive to this item. Can coined the conspiracy theory of the masses, has not really ignorant, there is a question of thinking of the people.

"Masonic" ideological control in Europe and America, this sentence is probably not wrong. The world today is the mainstream ideology Keynesian control in the hands of a handful of people, and 99.99% of people are still state of ignorance, these people have been blinded by the money, the day will know, Chi Chichi buy buy buy, chat gossip, the pursuit of orgasm. Slavery and the slave did not questioned fatalism, as 99.99% of the contemporary man did not questioned the fact that they have been enslaved money. There is a pattern behind a dollar Masonic symbol, a free top of the pyramid and the "all-seeing eye" on top of Latin reads: "build a new world order." I believe that this interpretation of the sign truth: "Seeing a whole depends on the unfinished pyramid, a few people watching and the general public in Scrapped climb case."
Universe ubiquitous eight law, any social system, slavery, monarchy, dictatorship, democratic constitutional system are few people enslaved the general public. Very simple, a rich and poor must be based on 500, based on the past by fatalism, now by money, common prosperity is the result of a common poverty. Only the pyramid structure is a stable structure. In recent years, the United States was advocating social form best football, in fact, this is a piece of a jigsaw, the United States accounted for by dollar hegemony in gold overhead, it becomes what shape are out of the way, the economic globalization, the entire planet is more than the poor. So, the world is controlled by a few people.

Accused of conspiracy theory there is a sound, it is that a handful of people, how is possible to make so many conspiracies? If you think so, I can only say that you are still in a state of ignorance. Han Feng Tsinghua University teacher explaining Bitcoin when, with a low entropy of the system, the concept of Maxwell's demon these physics. Very professional, and I now explain quantum mechanics is a waste of time, I used the words: "Dawson one, one two, two three, three things." With white words of low entropy of the system is that everyone abide by a simple rule, you can evolve out of everything. Also did not understand, I give a few chestnuts. 19th century, the great geographical discovery, more and more species are found beyond the "Bible" of the range. Biology is considered to be non-inductive, too diverse and too complex, sturgeon, Brazil bullfrog, sperm. They had no common ground and similarities, simply can not understand and sort out. OK, Darwin appeared, he was only one sentence, the Earth 8.7 million species will be explained clearly. Eight words: "natural selection, survival of the fittest." With this masterstroke, Why do geese fly south, gorillas Why does menopause, these problems clearly broken. With the formula, and then put the environment variable opinions OK.
Market economy is the low entropy of the system entirely by bird "invisible hand", you will be able to evolve into today's complex financial system, what invisible hands are? Is human selfishness. Everybody starting to self-interest and trade, we can accomplish the ever-changing market. If still do not understand, I can only put your set into a scenario where, if you are a sardine, you want to avoid shark kill, you will and his companions together, just before and after holding the appropriate follow distance can be. When the shark struck, when the sardines transform a variety of graphics, the collective power to make you hard to encounter sharks. Sardines is the low entropy of the system, very little energy can maintain an orderly, if it is the center of command by a fish, can not have been so perfect escape graphics. To learn more about the low entropy of the system, it is recommended to see Han Feng Qinghua University teacher's book, a high entropy of the system or the central node needs information processing system has a physical limit the speed of light.

You guessed it, Freemasonry is the master of the low entropy of the system in the golden key, so they have the guts to print on the dollar on the "All-Seeing Eye." Here, a little smarter people should be aware of it, why Wuhan 10 percent of female students compensated dating do? Because, 99.99% of the world's people simply repeat the implementation of the simple rule "money eyes", known as sex slaves have disappeared. Changed a vest persists, Miser behind what slavery there. Who must have a low entropy of the system of rules in this small group of people to grasp, perhaps not named Masonic, Masonic called me it. I said, "Masonic" represents the low entropy of the system to master the rules of operation. It is not as simple as a handful of people, Masonic born with the Renaissance, led to the overthrow of slavery and imperial system, proposed liberal ideology, discovered the invisible hand of the market, the establishment of a market-based economy low entropy of the system. Later, a man named Keynes found, as if working people are not sensitive to currency depreciation. You cut of his pay he told you to strike, if you secretly counting money make money printed shrink, he forced the Mongolian. This "money eyes," the golden key to the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1920 as a symbol, began to rebuild the world order, marginalized gold, the implementation of US dollar-denominated, 99.99% of people only need to follow the "money eyes" this law to act on the line, Keynesian and economic globalization, to let them grasp the rules of low entropy, has become an international monopoly capital, 99.99% of all people in the world has become a slave to money eyes. With the main line, according to the environmental variable table-top exercises next year to try hot events.

Why is the prevalence of terrorism? Environment variable oil prices. Middle East has accounted for 80% of the earth's oil resources, oil-producing countries in the 1980s established the OPEC organization, joint limit production to raise oil prices. This behavior allows Masonic very unhappy, you actually do not comply with the rules of money eyes, engage in limited production? No, fight! Has launched two Gulf War, and then support the opposition, confuse ideology, the Middle East countries into chaos and political instability stations. Now look at the situation in the Middle East, combined with limited production behavior of oil has gone, the price of oil has fallen to Xiang, but also created a ISIS terrorist organization. Objective Masonic reached, not only oil prices beat down, and the manufacturing of terrorism, the future can justifiably increase the defense budget, the money will not be spent environmentalists and pity cat dog association.

Vicki event is how it all about? Environment variable is the rise of China, since the beginning of the internationalization of RMB, Masonic could not sit still, past Chinese people use materials in exchange for a Zhangmei Guo paper, and now want to change the Chinese people, China has become a country's capital inflows . Used to be the world capital inflows: the United States, now the capital has changed two destinations: China + America. Past Chinese "money eyes" at the pollution of the environment to send supplies to the Americans, the US inflation rate is low, and now the Chinese people to quit, get up US inflation, 90 million receive food stamps Latino tramp who is going to raise? Masonic sit still playing? No, China has nuclear weapons could trigger a world war. That mess! External Asians fight Asians using uninhabited islands to stir up trouble. Internal let China beat Chinese people themselves, provoking patriotism, populism. Anyway, the more powerful the Cock wire can also hit faraway America, only vandalism own countrymen. Vicki events may just messing episode program. If Asia and China is messing up, then who get the benefits? The answer is obvious.

However, Freemasonry really is indestructible it? No matter how powerful fortress also afraid defeated from within. Bitcoin seems to appear that removed the Keynesian golden key, Keynesian construct a low-entropy control of the money system, the general public need only act in accordance with "money eyes" rule, stood the Masonic Pyramid top. Bitcoin came quietly, took control of money Masonic Golden Key. Gold was Masonic marginalized, because the gold can not be unlimited segmentation and high transaction cost characteristics. Bitcoin is a virtual, can be infinitely subdivided and low transaction costs, and the system is running Bitcoin is a low entropy of the system, each running the same computer as long as thousands of lines of code, you can not break the formation of a general ledger system from the outside . Masonic Golden Key is Bitcoin touch down, Masonic Can you let go? Of course not, but it seems that Freemasonry is also no good way, because bitcoin is more efficient low-entropy system, lower the cost to build a new world order that allows the general public to obtain the right to economic freedom, which Keynesian doctrine printing money top of the pyramid will be kicked.
Then quickly Bitcoin subversion of the current world order it? Of course not, do not forget to 99.99% of the world's people are still state of ignorance, our mainstream education or brainwashing education, Masonic ideology and remain in control of the mainstream media, to build a world system is still bright. Start from the inside like a rotten apple, although the center has begun to rot, but still looks bright until thoroughly rotten apple, apple's immune system will attack the invaders. Yes, when first issued Bitcoin cry to humanity when bitcoin Alipay suffered a cripple, suffered the Fed announced "Bitcoin is dead."

Bitcoin encounter Masonic persecution it? Of course, the world's most unfriendly to Bitcoin is actually the United States, the restrictions are very strict, the destruction of the Silk Road site to make Bitcoin become synonymous with drugs, kidnapping, terrorism, this quietly behind so Ban, can seriously affect people's perception of Bitcoin. However, once scientific discovery, it sprouted in the human heart, the human never be the same no Bitcoin the world. In front of a more efficient system of low entropy, Masonic decline may be just a matter of time. Think of imperial power fall, they are not saying it is: "Man is changed to the monkey."


147 companies own 40% of the shares of 43,060 transnational companies. If you let that sink in it answers many questions like; who's moving the markets, are they front running the markets, do they like near monopolies, do they regulate the little guy out etc etc, do they buy elections, do they own media, banks, military industrial complex. 62 people own more than half of what the global population does. Corporate Capture.

I am fascinated by algorithmic protocol that uses cryptographic hashes & public key cryptography to reward participants with another protocol that retains value called bitcoin for validating a ledger called the blockchain on a peer to peer decentralized transparent public network.

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